Lab 5 – AEV Design Concepts – Screening and Scoring

Lab Summary

This week the lab group went over the 4 different designs proposed by team members.  All the designs were studied and examined, but only one was physically designed and tested.  During the lab, the group made a concept screening scoresheet to organize their thoughts and to verify that they would pick the best design.  This was important to the AEV design process.  These steps ensured that the final steps of the design process were done correctly and effectively.  Without analysis of the designs and organization through the concept screening matrix the group would have been left with many different designs and no information on which one is the best.  The concept scoring sheets were written by hand then copied to the computer at a later time.  Then the AEV was redesigned in class then tested on the track.  The redesigned AEV showed more balance while resting on the track and while making turns around the course.  The AEV did not move right away, but that was due to the code used.

The group analyzed 3 different physical designs of the AEV. Through this analysis, the group made two different tables, concept screening and scoring spreadsheets. These spreadsheets made it easy for the group to visual the different AEVs and their different strengths and weaknesses. By the end of the lab the group had decided on a two layer AEV, that would be designed like a biplane. It is obvious through the spreadsheets that this was the best design.


The lab group learned a lot during this past week.  During the design project lesson the lab group learned about constraint based modeling.  This lesson included learning about geometric and dimensional constraints.  This will be important soon when the group needs to create their individual design component in SolidWorks.  These constraints make SolidWorks much easier and it was important that the team learn these skills before they were needed for the AEV creative design component.  Another takeaway from this week included the final design of the AEV.  The lab group selected a final design for their AEV, now they can start coding specifically to fit the shape and power of the vehicle.  They are also able to start modeling specific pieces for their AEV through SolidWorks if desired.  A general project takeaway from this week is to make sure all individual parts of the progress report are turned into the writer before the day it is due.  It is too stressful on the writer of the progress report to be finding team members to remind them about their individual responsibilities.  From now on it is the individual’s job to realize there is an individual component of the progress report and that they need to get it to the writer within a timely manner.


Task Team Member Start Date Due Date Time
Upload progress report Emily 2-23-17 2-25-17 30 min
Week 6 progress report compile and check, appendix Megan 2-23-17 2-2-17 2 hour
Week 6 progress report: Situation Emily 2-23-17 2-26-17 1 hour
Week 6 progress report: Results and Analysis Michael 2-23-17 2-26-17 1 hour
Week 6 progress report: Takeaways Justin 2-23-17 2-26-17 1 hour
Oral Presentation Power Point Megan 2-23-17 2-28-17 1 hour
Oral Presentation Script All 2-23-17 2-27-17 3 hours
Week 6 progress report: Looking forward Justin 2-23-17 2-16-17 1 hour

Meeting Notes

Date: 16 – Feb – 2017

Time: Post-Lab (3:40)

Members Present: All


Go over the due dates of the week and make sure every member knows what they have to do.  Conclude the lab by talking about what we want to test next week.

To Do:

  • Progress Report 4 due
  • Upload progress report
  • Talk to TAs about oral presentation
  • Assign progress report parts


  • Decided that Megan would be the one to organize all progress report and lead the group.
  • Decided that Emily would be the one to upload all progress reports
  • Decided that Justin enjoyed designing the AEV the best, he was the most creative therefor the lab group decided to put him in charge of that



  • The lab group should continue to think of AEV designs during the week.
  • TA said not to assign a full progress report to one team member, therefor this will change next week.