Lab 6 – Halfway Checkpoint

Lab Summary

During the lab, the lab proficiency quiz was taken and then TA’s went to each group to give feedback about the current project portfolio. The group also came up with a plan for the next lab to get the sensors fixed or at least understand the sensors problems. The PDR presentation worksheet was filled out before lab but reviewed once more during lab.


The group understands how to use the website and to perfect its project portfolio. The group also understands their responsibilities before the oral presentations next week. After the LPQ, each group member understands their weaknesses when calculating commands and understanding the AEV and Arduino board.

Team Meeting Notes


Time: Post-Lab (3:40)

Members Present: All

Objective: Organize oral presentation and progress report

To Do:

– Assign roles for progress report

– Assign roles for oral presentation

– Review extra credit video ideas


– Decided that Megan would be the one write the storyboard on the extra credit video because she is most creative.

– Megan would also compile all of the progress report

– Emily, Justin and Michael divided the progress report between them

– Megan would make the powerpoint for the oral presentation

– Each member would write their own script

– Emily would proofread powerpoint and script to make sure all content was covered


– The lab group wants to focus on not sharing information in their oral presentation that the audience already knows

– The group has lots of work to do this week, but if everyone does their part the group will be successful and not overwhelmed.


Task Team Member Start Date Due Date Time
Practice oral presentation Emily 2-23-17 3-2-17 30 min
Practice oral presentation Megan 2-23-17 3-2-17 30 mins
practice oral presentation Justin 2-23-17 3-2-17 30 mins
Practice oral presentation Patrick 2-23-17 3-19-17 30 mins
Think about extra credit video Megan 2-23-17 4-20-17 30 mins