- Imagine that in a galaxy far far away there is a dire need for energy efficient vehicles, this demand for AEV’s is caused by a force of evil, a force so powerful it has created a Deathstar ©. The only hope humanity has to defeat this evil is to develop the most energy efficient vehicle capable of transporting cargo across the universe, we, group B, have risen to the challenge. We are here today to demonstrate our AEV’s ability to aid the fight against galactic evil by providing an energy efficient means of transporting R2D2 cargo.
- We will give basic background on the AEV project, our audience, at least for the PDR, is our engineering 1182 classroom so we will expect they will know the basics about the project, we will give background on what we believe we have done differently than other groups, such as the main idea of our design, the concepts kept in mind while designing our design, the main concern of the group regarding design, and other similar concepts.
- Our testing of the sample AEV provided information on the efficiency of a basic design, we concluded that weight and code efficiency were the main components of the inefficient energy use of the sample AEV, this caused the group to look for a more lightweight and aerodynamic design and develop a more energy conscious code.
- The key goals for the AEV project on which the group will focus are low weight, aerodynamics, efficient energy use, and consistency in ability to perform the MCR. These are the selected goals because we believe that a lightweight AEV with good aerodynamics will be able to use less energy which is one of our key goals, but also the main purpose of the AEV, it is part of the challenge to make the AEV as energy efficient as possible and we intend to do so by targeting these key goals.
- We will simply display either a Gantt chart or a schedule of when certain parts of the project will be complete, we will then allow group members to talk about their individual responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of the group as a whole. This presentation is not meant to be incredibly precise, however the group will view the presentation as practice for the final presentation and will plan, present, and instill professionalism in accordance.
- We will alternate in a pattern of David, Austin, Kevin, John as speakers, unless a group member specifically desires to speak on a certain topic. The topics that the group will be covering are the introduction, an overview of the design, reasoning on why we chose the design we did, a plan for where the project will go, and a few closing statements.
- Members will dress business casual or business, speak in a friendly but professional manner, and the presentation format will present a seamless, well rehearsed, and convincing presentation of data and the AEV project.