Meeting notes

All meetings for the group occurred over Zoom, with minor discussions occurring through GroupMe.

Date: March 25, 2020

Members present: Alex Schragal, Coleman Bates, Anshul Singh

Agenda: The group discussed initial steps regarding the project. This includes:

  • Creating the website on
  • The initial decisions on what games will be designed
  • Who will be conducting the user interviews and who will be interviewed
  • Working on a team working agreement and the individual responsibility agreements for each of the team members
  • Determining the roles of each team member

Action items:

  • Alex: create website
  • Coleman: plan user interviews
  • Anshul: research game ideas

Date: March 29, 2020

Members present: Alex Schragal, Coleman Bates, Anshul Singh

Agenda: The group finalized initial decisions regarding the project, including:

  • Making final decisions on the games, that is Blackjack and Craps
  • Turning in the team working agreement
  • Starting work on the flowchart

Action items:

  • Anshul: start work on notebook
  • Coleman: start work on notebook
  • Alex: start flowchart
  • Feiyu: work on team working agreement

Date: April 5, 2020

Members present: Alex Schragal, Coleman Bates, Anshul Singh, Feiyu Liu

Agenda: The group began discussions regarding the notebook and the video pitch, as well as other discussions for the end of the software design project:

  • The slides for the video pitch were created and submitted
  • Concept for the video pitch created
  • Work on the digital graphic advertisement began

Action items:

  • Anshul: finish and turn in slides draft, start work on code
  • Coleman: work on user interviews, start work on code
  • Feiyu: start work on code
  • Alex: start work on code

Date: April 14, 2020

Members present: Alex Schragal, Anshul Singh

Agenda: The group began work on many of the final assignments needed to turn in:

  • The game design was submitted
  • Work on the notebook continued
  • Discussion on how to format the video pitch occurred

Action items:

  • Alex: work on notebook, add flowchart
  • Anshul: work on notebook, add electronic advertisement
  • Coleman: add user interviews
  • Feiyu: plan video pitch/edit video

Date: April 18, 2020

Members present: Anshul Singh, Alex Schragal

Agenda: The group filmed the video pitch through zoom:

  • Editing and submission of the video would be done by one group member

Action items:

  • Anshul Singh: work on notebook
  • Alex Schragal: work on notebook
  • Feiyu Liu: add video pitch to notebook
  • Coleman bates: work on notebook

April 21, 2020

The group finished the notebook and added the pitch to the notebook