In this document, the coded program for Snakes and Ladders and our development of the coding will be discussed. Snakes and Ladders is originally a board game for children, where a ‘snake’ causes the player to move down many spaces, and a ‘ladder’ causes the player to move up many spaces. The game board is commonly 100 spaces, and the player starts by rolling two die and moving forward from what number they rolled, following the number ordered boxes. The code runs similarly but without any visuals. The coded program is a two player game, that runs until one player reaches over or exactly 100. The coded program asks the player to input their box number from the last round, keeping the player engaged as the game progresses.
Within this document is material to understand the coded game, like a user manual description of the game, a program description with code specific vocabulary for developers, and a flowchart of how the game works. This is all then followed by the final program, a discussion of how we uncovered our code, conclusions about the process, recommendations for what the code should include if it was redone, and finally the references used to create this report and the game.