G. Conclusions and Recommendations

This software design project went fairly well. Snakes and Ladders and Blackjack managed to run fairly well in the end. With multiple different people working on the games, any time a bug would have been seen or been brought up, it would have been resolved later either that day or the day after. Having different people working on the same game provided more hands to the game, ultimately helping it progress through the different stages better than only one person working on it. By having multiple people working on the same game, problem-solving became a lot simpler. More people meant more problems could be solved, which also meant the coding became a lot more efficient and overall better as a result.

If we were going full scale with the product, we would recommend adding a visual aspect to the game, instead of just text. While still enjoyable to run through because of having some inputs of code through the game to keep the player engaged, it would be more visually appealing to have the game board as a visual.