C. Program Description for Developers



startFunds = 500; % start funds every game is $500

turn = used to determine if it’s the player or computer’s turn

funds = 500; % Total funds while the game continues through playthroughs.

leave = 1; % Used when the user wants to leave the game

playThrough = 0; % Increments when the player goes through another playthrough

intro = (‘Welcome to Blackjack!’); % Introduction

name = used to input the user’s name

inBid = used to have the user to input how much the would like to bid

leave = used to ask the user if they would like to leave

cardNames =used to hold the vector of card name aligned with values

cardValues = used to hold the vector of card values aligned with names

totalComp = total computer points

totalPlayer = total player points

randValue = used to randomize a specific card aligned with its name

compCard = the card drawn at a draw instance for computer

playerCard = the card drawn at a draw instance for player

changeAce = used to change the value of the ace card, sets it to compCard or playerCard

bust = used when the player points exceed 21


fprintf(); is used to print out variables and statements

input(); command prompts the user to input a numeric or string value to a variable

randperm(); randomizes the name and value arrays (but values are correctly matched with names)


player1 = the person who will be entering the word

player2 = The person who will be guessing the word

word = the word player two will be guessing

starArray = the word with stars instead of letters

keepPlaying = boolean to determine if the program should keep asking the player for a letter

guesses = number of guesses player 2 has

pickedLetters = the letters player 2 has guesed

guess = the letter player 2 has picked

inWord = goes to one if the letter is in the word




pot=Amount of money the player whats to play with

Bet= The amount money the player wants to bet out of their pot.

L= An string input for under, over, even




roll=Randomly roll the two dice

total =The sum of the two dice.

while loops= determines if the pot value is at zero

fprintf= this displays if you won or lost and displays your money

randi= randomly roll the dice

switch= this allows the computer to sort three different inputs at once.