F. Discussion

 Our Discussion/Explanation of the Coding Process

The way that we started coding these games was by laying out a simple algorithm or pseudocode that was a simple example of how the game worked. We listed how each game started, and then listed the rest of each game step by step to have a simple understanding of how to code each game. We assigned variables to each player, the deck, the cards/numbers/letters and from then on broke down the rules of the game. Each game was basically a series of nested for loops to simulate the alternating turns of the game. We then made the conditions of the main loop the conditions for winning/losing the game, so that the loop would break, thus ending the game. Of course we each ran into some issues while coding, because nesting multiple loops can get tedious at times and can be difficult to keep organized, but everyone seemed to figure out the issues relatively quickly when we came across them. When we did run into a problem, we would go through the issue step by step as well. We would realize the problem, understand why it is a problem, and then brainstorm how to fix the problem and possibly improve how the part is coded where the problem occurs. We often fixed each issue within minutes of realization, and found our problem-solving techniques to be quite useful.