The Train Project is used to challenge students to use problem-solving strategies with a group to solve a real-world programming scenario. It was divided into four different work days. The first day was used to get familiar with using the MATLAB Train Simulator, create an initial pseudocode, and work on the lab procedure. The second day was used to finalize the lab procedure and work on the final program. The third day was used to work on the final program and extra credit problems. The final day was used to finalize our program and do our final test.
During the first day, Group G did Taskβs one through six. The Taskβs were used to help familiarize with the MATLAB Train Simulator. Task one and two were about connecting to the Arduino. They also went over the arduino, servoAttach, servoStstus, and servoWrite commands. Task three was used to set-up the LEDs by using pinMode, digitalWrite, and LED commands. Task four went over motorRun and motorSpeed to make the train move. Task five went over setting up the break beam sensors and using the commands approach and analogRead. Task six went over the layout of writing a control program.The groups pseudocode was also worked on and turned in. On the second, Group G worked on Task seven which was writing a control program. The third day was used as a work day for the final code and extra credit code. The fourth day was to test the final code and extra credit code.