B. User Manual

User Manual- Instructions for playing Metazooa Jr. on MATLAB


Objective of the Game: 

Metazooa Jr. on MATLAB is an animal guessing game. The game will automatically select a “mystery animal” and the goal is to guess this animal from the list of animals provided in three guesses or less. Clues will be provided to help guide you to guessing the correct mystery animal. These clues will be the relation of the animal you previously guessed to the correct “mystery animal”.


How To Play: 

  1. Download MATLAB
  2. Download a copy of the sprite sheet
  3. Download a copy of the Metazooa Jr. Code and the user function code
  4. Ensure the codes and sprite sheets are all located in the same MATLAB folder
  5. Open the game code and function code in MATLAB
  6. Select the button under the editor tab that says “run”
  7. The Metazooa Jr. game screen will appear on the screen
  8. Click any of the animal names in the top row to place your first guess
  9. If you guessed the correct “mystery animal” an image saying “You Win” will appear on the screen and you will have the option to hit the play again button located in the bottom right corner.
  10. If you did not guess the correct “mystery animal” a clue will be provided at the bottom of the screen. You then can make your second guess based on this clue.
  11. The player is allowed three total guesses until the player loses the game
  12. If the player loses and would like to play again, hit the play again button located at the bottom right corner
  13. Good luck and have fun!