B. User Manual

Goal: The object of this game (battleship) is to eliminate all of your opponent’s ships (which are hidden from your view), without allowing all of your ships to be destroyed by your opponents. The first person to destroy all of their opponents’ ships wins the game.


1) Run the Program

2) Place your battleships onto the left-side of the screen by left-clicking the mouse. (You have a total of 5 ships, each which can be placed either vertically or horizontally by clicking the buttons on the left side of the screen).

3) Take a shot at your opponent’s ships (hidden), by left-clicking with your mouse onto the right side of the screen. (if you hit one of your opponent’s ships, the space clicked will turn red. The space clicked will turn white if your shot was a miss).

4) Continue shooting at spaces on the right-side of the screen by left-clicking until the game ends.


  • If you are attempting to place one of your ships onto the board, but nothing is happening upon clicking the screen, you are likely clicking too close to another ship (the game is preventing the ship from being place so that they don’t overlap). In that case, try placing the ship onto another space or switch to vertical/horizontal.
  • The game will pop up a text display when any ship gets sunk (all the ship pegs have been hit). If the text is green, that means the player destroyed one of the computer’s ships. If the text is red, that means the computer destroyed one of the player’s ships.
  • There is a green “restart” button located in the bottom left of the screen, which will restart the game if clicked.