The team was extremely careful and collaborative throughout the whole project. Certain portions required all team members to be actively involved, especially in brainstorming for critical sections of the code. These sections were ones either frequently referenced, or which provided a key function for the game’s playability; each would see the entire team participating in the creation and discussion of possible solutions.
The team collaborated directly as well as indirectly, this would happen particularly during the troubleshooting process. While fixing bugs in the code, several—if not all—team members would be researching functions/commands to fix the given problem; this helped reduce, otherwise time consuming roadblocks, to minimally impactful speed bumps.
Indirect collaboration was crucial for debugging the code, as well as in the creation of non-critical functions; this describes portions like the restart button, sprite aesthetics, and other non-essential components. Disagreements were minimal, but met with group discussion until a solution was found, and unanimously agreed upon.
The project required lots of planning and in-depth collaboration. No idea was incorporated without a discussion, and no part of the project was left to a single member. The team kept pace with the pre-described schedule, optimizing for code efficiency and—more importantly—outcome quality.