A. User Identification and Interviews

Intended audience for the game:

Players – Anyone ages 7+ (likely younger people, but still fun for all ages)

Buyer – adults (older teenagers or parents buying the game for their children)


Conduct interview #1 with a potential user PRIOR to development:

  1. What are some games you have played recently?
    • “Some recent games I’ve played are Fortnite, Madden, and NBA 2k23.”
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB?
    • “I feel like some games that I might like playing in MATLAB are Clash Royale, Checkers, and Yahtzee.”
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play?
    • “I would say approximately 10-15 minutes is a good amount of time to spend playing a game.”
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play?
    • “I would say the visuals and the competitiveness is what draws me to video games.”


Conduct interview #2 with a user after beta testing (must be different person than #1):

  1. What are some games you have played recently?
    • “Some games I’ve played recently have been FIFA, Call of Duty, and GTA V.”
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB?
    • “Some games I might enjoy playing on MATLAB are blackjack, connect four, and Oregon Trail”
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play?
    • “I think a game should take about 5-10 minutes to play.”
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play?
    • “I enjoy the ability to replay the game over and over and I like games with strategy involved.”
  5. When playing this game, which aspects did you enjoy?
    • “I liked the strategy involved with Battleship as you have to put your ships in good spots so they won’t get hit.”
  6. When playing this game, what changes would you recommend?
    • “I would recommend a two-player format so that I can play with my friends.”