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Table of Contents:

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this website is to showcase the work done by Group B for the SDP (software design project). For that project, the team chose to code the game Battleship within MATLAB while also adding various features to make the game different/better than other available versions of the game. Additionally, elevator pitch videos, advertisements, documentation of code, and other elements applicable to the project are contained within this website.

The team chose to program the game Battleship due to its approximately 5-10 min playtime, emphasis on strategy and critical thinking, as well as being a game that could be elevated/optimized with the addition of a few features. Those criterions were based on interviews of potential users prior to the start of the programming process. In order to fulfill such requirements, the game operates with advanced user controls (mouse-inputs), good graphics (detailed images with live-updates), and a “smart” computer AI that plays against the player. Additionally, the game has features such as on-screen instructions, score-counters, and a restart-button.

While this version of Battleship is high-quality and superior to many other available versions of the game, there are a number of additions/changes which would further improve the game given more time for development. Some of those changes include highlighting the squares showing where a ship will be placed at the start of the game, adding sound effects, and adding the on-screen “ship destroyed” messages as an input for the AI program.