A. User Identification and Interviews

Identify the intended audience for your game


Conduct interview #1 with a potential user PRIOR to development

  1. What are some games you have played recently? Some games that I have played are UNO, Connect 4 , and Battleship.
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB? I would enjoy playing blackjack, hangman, and battleship on MATLAB.
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play? A game should only take 5-10 minutes to play unless it’s monopoly which in that case 2-3 hours is reasonable.
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play? A game must be competitive and there must be risk and reward for it to be enjoyable to play.

Conduct interview #2 with a user after beta testing (must be different person than #1)

  1. What are some games you have played recently? I have played Euchre, UNO, Sorry, Monopoly, and Settlers of Catan recently.
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB? I would enjoy playing UNO, Connect 4, and Blackjack.
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play? A simple card game or a game on Matlab should take around 5 minutes, but games like Catan or Chess can take 4 or more hours.
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play? I like to beat my friends and family at games and sometimes make money in games such as poker or Blackjack.
  5. When playing this game, which aspects did you enjoy? I like blackjack because it is a simple card game that doesn’t require much skill to win money when playing casually.
  6. When playing this game, what changes would you recommend? I wish that the dealer didn’t have as big of a statistical advantage. I would recommend having the dealer not able to earn any money.