B. User Manual

User Manual- War 

Downloading the game: 

To download the game, download all the contents in the “War_Final_Build” file onto a computer. 


Loading up the game: 

To load up the game double left click on the war.m Matlab file, or right click on the war.m file and click open on the drop-down menu. 


Starting the game: 

Once the Matlab program is loaded up, to begin the game look for the button titled “Editor” on the top of the window and left click on it. From there, look for the button entitled “Run” and left click to start running the game. 


How to play: 

After “Run” is clicked, the command window will display a prompt reading, “Press enter to pick a card”. This will prompt the game to complete a round of war between the user and the computer. It will then display the results of the round and the total cards left for both the user and the computer. A round is won when one players card value is larger than the other players. “War” is started when both players put down a card of equal value. The players will then place down 1 card face down and play with the next cards against each other for all the cards involved in the war. This is done by the user hitting “enter” when prompted by the game.  To start the next round, press “enter” again. 


How to finish the game: 

The game will finish once one of the players is left with 0 cards in their deck. The program will display a prompt that says the final card count between the user and computer, along with a statement that states “the computer wins!” if the computer has all 52 cards, or “the player wins!” if the player has all 52 cards. 


How to exit during a game: 

To exit in the middle of a round the player can press the keyboard buttons of “Ctrl” + “C” at the same time. 


How to play again: 

Once finished or exited from the current game, the user can restart by pressing the “run” button at the top of the window.