G. Conclusions and Recommendations


Coding the game was an iterative process of trial and error to reach the final product. After each obstacle was encountered, the team would work to overcome it. The solution to each problem in the code often affected other parts of the code, so after solving a problem the team had to adapt the code to work with the solution. The final product included a solution to every problem, as well as a script that worked with all these solutions. The final product included a War! game that ran smoothly and included a betting system.  


The game included many “special cases” in which something aside from the regular script would occur. To be able to code this game more efficiently, the team should have established these “special cases” before coding the main game. Instead, problems were solved as they were discovered, which often led to a slight re-design of the script code. This would in turn affect any other functions and files that were being used to run the game.  

The team struggled greatly with adapting the game code for sprites, since these were considered after the game had been coded. This problem was mainly encountered in the functions that shuffled the card decks. Since the decks were shuffled without concern for sprite indexes, when the game was run the wrong sprites would display.  The team should have begun coding with sprites in mind, since adapting the code to sprites was very tedious and time-consuming.  

The team decided to include a betting system in the code. Although betting is normally part of War!, the team thought it added to the experience of playing the game. Adding this betting system was simple, and it is recommended to whoever else would code this game to add a betting system to improve game play.