A. Team Working Agreement

Team Working Agreement
Term (Example:  Autumn 2019)
Creation 11/06/2019


1)  Group Identification

Lab section # – 6744
Table – M
Instructor – Dr. Ratcliff
Team Name (Optional) – Jeffery

Team member info:

 Jack DeStefano  destefano.35@osu.edu  (513)310-0145
 Bryce Ford  ford.1009@osu.edu  (630)854-1642
 Michael Gulasy  gulasy.2@osu.edu  (513)236-1436
 Tanner Lapp  lapp.68@osu.edu  (937)938-0355


2)  Primary Means of Communication and Expectation

Will be using a group text that should be responded to with in two hours of message being sent. Members should also check their email for links and files sent from other members.

3)  Scheduling of Meetings (Schedule at least one meeting as part of constructing your team agreement.)

Meetings will be at noon on Mondays on the first floor of Drackett Tower. Additional meeting times will be decided upon after Tuesday and Thursday classes or through the group text and will be at first floor of Drackett unless noted otherwise.

Team Name: Jeffery

Meeting Schedule: Monday at noon

Date: varying Time: 12:00 pm Location: Drackett tower, first floor

Participating members (If not all.):  Entirety of team.

Agenda: Discuss SDP project due dates and divide work into a timeline. After, work on documentation separately and collaboratively use Tanner’s computer to code the game


4)  General Responsibilities for All Team Members

Team members are expected to be academically honest, responsible, and caring to their fellow members. All members will be held to the same standards and there are no exceptions to set due dates and expectations.

5)  Specific Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines

Tanner will be lead on the coding of our games as he will hold the master file for the MATLAB codes. Michael will be head website designer as he will monitor posts on the u.osu.edu website and add to it frequently. Jack will oversee the documentation and have final say on its content. Bryce will be team leader and will oversee use of time, meetings, and will double check that everyone’s work is correct.

6)  Conflict Resolution

The following steps will be utilized if there is conflict within the group

  • Members will be asked to discuss their conflict with the other member face tot face as a third team member mediates
  • If there is still conflict an appointment with a GTA will be scheduled where the whole group goes in to discuss said problem


7)  Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s

GTAs and faculty will be used to hold team members accountable if they refuse to listen to other members. This will be a last resort and will be followed out only if nessacary.

8) Team Signatures

Jack DeStefano

Bryce Ford

Michael Gulasy

Tanner Lapp