C. Project Schedule

The following is a project schedule including every task, the start and end date and due date, the primary and secondary team member responsible for the task, the estimated hours and the % done.  This document will be updated throughout the course of the project.

Task Start














Decision on a game/games 11/1 11/1 NA entire group entire group 1/2 hour 5%
Creation of initial psuedocode 11/1 11/6 11/8 Bryce Tanner 1.5 hours 20%
Interview #1 11/1 11/3 11/8 Jack Michael 1/2 hour 25%
Team/individual working agreement 11/1 11/6 11/8 Jack Michael 1/2 hour 30%
Video slides/storyboard 11/8 11/12 11/15 Tanner Jack 1 hour 35%
Interview #2 11/12 11/13 11/15 Jack Michael 1/2 hour 40%
Print ad 11/13 11/14 12/3 Jack Michael 1 hour 45%
Final project plan 11/18 11/21 11/22 Micheal Jack 1/2 hour 55%
Final testing 11/18 11/21 11/22 Bryce Tanner 1 hour 70%
User manual 11/18 11/21 12/3 Micheal Jack 1.5 hours 75%
Completion of video 11/20 11/21 12/3 all all 1 hour 80%
Discussion 11/21 12/2 12/3 Tannner Jack 1 hour 85%
Conclusions and recommendations 11/21 12/2 12/3 Jack Micheal 1 hour 90%
Description for developers 11/21 12/2 12/3 Bryce Jack 1 hour 95%
Finalization of flowchart 11/21 12/2 12/3 Bryce Tanner 1/2hour 99%
Finalization of u.osu.edu page 11/21 12/2 12/3 all all 1 hour 100%