Conclusion and Recommendations with References

       The group was able to fully develop two functional and redundant MATLAB games. Developing these games was the goal of the B Gang and were accomplished through teamwork, dividing responsibilities, and keeping a good timeline for due dates as well as doing work on the code so that the group would meet the final deadlines. As a problem solving method for the code, the group’s coders decided to develop the game code and then play the game with the intention of testing different boundary conditions, for example attempting to place too many chips in Connect 4, or going using an Ace as an 11 when your card value would exceed 21. Given more time, the B Gang could possibly develop better sprites that are more custom to their specific group, as well as incorporate the Connect 4 and Blackjack games in to a third game, such as an Adventure game, perhaps as a minigame within the Adventure game.


SoftwareDesignProject_Procedure.docx, The Ohio State University, 2019