Brief Discussion

     The creation of connect four wasn’t that hard since we were already given a set of rules and guidelines to make it to. One of the hardest parts was getting the pieces to go to the bottom of the board after a player selected the collum. But that was done by having a for loop decrease instead of increase to check for an empty spot. After a version of the game was complete we had to bug test it. One interesting bug we found was that if 2 pieces were next to each other diagonally against a wall when the top piece was played it would count as a win because we forgot to reset the counter for four in a row from going from one diagonal checker to the next. So it would count the 2 as four. This was easily fixed by resetting the count to zero before the next check.

     The creation of blackjack was a bit harder but we still had the premade rules to go off of. Easily the hardest part of it was figuring out the counting especially with aces being either 1 or 11. This was done by using that the spirits were in order of magnitude on the given images so just had to check what they were on that. For aces though we had to check if they were even in the hand then calculate if they would be legal to play high. A bug that was cool in our program was if the player hit 21 with a black jack but not an ace off the first turn it would count it as a blackjack, this was fixed by only allowing blackjacks on the first turn of the game.