G. Conclusions and Recommendations

Overall, both games were successes. These games were programmed into fun and simple electronic versions on Matlab. One thing you’ll notice when playing Connect Four: Group O Edition is how scoring works. As it is currently, the players keep track of their wins themselves. If given more time, a code for winning would be added. There are several layers for a winning code. First would be for the game to automatically stop once four pieces of the same color are connected, then a code would be used to display which player won. To add onto it, how many times a player has won could also be displayed. Another change that would be made is the coloring option per round. In the loop code, the players choose their color each time it’s their turn, but a fix for that is making the players only choose their color once in the beginning and retaining it for the rest of the match.

In our Blackjack game, one big recommendation would be the addition of sprites. This would add the key visual aspect to a game. Aside from adding visual effects, another change could be to add card specificities. These changes would include parts like adding different suits such as hearts, clubs, etc. and also have the face cards being uniquely named, instead of just having their numerical values.