B. Individual Responsibility Agreement

Each team member must take the lead on the development of at least 0.5 point of a game. So if you have a 1 point game you should have 2 people working on it sharing equal responsibility.  Additionally, all members must have equal roles in the documentation and the video.

Complete the tables below describing the initial plan, and the end results. After this page is complete, each team member must comment on this post certifying their participation with the following sentence.  “I have participated in this project and completed the work described above.”

Programming Responsibilities/Roles

Team Member Initial Plan End Result
Emily Outline program for BlackJack Outlined code for Blackjack and helped Maggie with the rules of the Blackjack card game
Deontre Research for Connect 4 and debugging Finished code for Four in a Row and annotation
Maggie Coding research and comments Completed code for Blackjack and annotated the code.
Justin Sprites and grid for Connect 4 and Worked on and helped Deontre with setting up the scene in the Connect 4 code


Documentation Responsibilities/Roles

Team Member Initial Plan End Result
  Emily Rotation of Daily journal, document own progress Documented own progress, wrote the introductions, Blackjack user manual, and meeting notes
 Deontre Rotation of Daily journal, document own progress Documented progress, contributed the discussion for Four in a Row, and Four in a Row instruction guide
  Maggie Rotation of Daily journal, document own progress Assisted in documentation regarding the specifics of the code, including the documentation for programmers.
  Justin Rotation of Daily journal, document own progress Documented own progress, Connect Four user manual, Electronic Advertisements, Executive Summary


Video Responsibilities/Roles

Team Member Initial Plan End Result
  Emily Video Editor, Script writer Wrote the script, filmed and directed, appeared in the video, and edited the video.
  Deontre Script writer, Summary Appeared and spoke in video
  Maggie Script writer, Pitch Appeared and spoke in the promotional video.
 Justin Script writer, introduction Acted and spoke in the video


I have participated in this project and completed the work described above.

– Justin Dunnigan

I have participated in this project and completed the work described above.

– Maggie Gottfried

I have participated in this project and completed the work described above.

– Emily Gordon

I have participated in this project and completed the work described above.

– Deontre Wright

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