B. User Manual

User manual for: Over/Under

Hello player! Just follow the subsequent instructions to play the Over/Under ™ game!

  1. You must have MATLAB software downloaded onto your computer in order to play
  2.  To run the game, you must have the over_under.m file, as well as the simpleGameEngine.m file, the sprite file retro_cards.png, and the function file correct.m
  3. Once you have downloaded all of these files and put them into your working MATLAB folder, open the MATLAB application to setup play
  4. Once MATLAB and all the necessary files are open, click the green run button to start
  5. You will now be shown a welcome screen, as well as prompted to draw a card in the command window at the bottom of the screen, type a 1 in the command window and then hit enter to draw
  6. After hitting enter , you will be shown the 2 cards that were drawn and the command window will display your score, after viewing the cards please exit out the image so the next rounds card draw will pop up automatically
  7. After you are shown the current score you will be asked if you would like to continue, quit, or restart;hit any number and then enter to continue otherwise hit 2 then enter to quit or 3 then enter to restart
  8. Repeat these instruction until either you or the computer reaches 10 wins
  9. Now you’re on your way to being an Over/Under ™ master! Have fun playing!


User Manual for Hangman

In order to start playing the hangman game, run the script to start the game. In the command window, it will say “have someone enter a word”. Have someone type a word of their choosing and have them press enter, the word will be hidden from you. Guess a lowercase letter and press enter, you will have 10 incorrect guesses before you lose. If the letter is guessed correctly, guess another letter and press enter. If the letter is guessed incorrectly, a part is added to the hangman, guess another letter and press enter. Repeat these steps until you guess the word and win the game, or until the hangman is complete and you lose the game. If you want to play again, start from the beginning of the user manual. If you want to end the game at any time press Ctrl+C to exit the game.