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Table of Contents

Executive Summary                                         https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/

1.  Project Management                                   https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/project-management/

A. Team Working Agreement                         https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/project-management/team-working-agreement/

B. Individual Working Agreement                https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/project-management/individual-respo…bility-agreement/

C. Project Schedule                                           https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/project-management/project-schedule/

D. Meeting Notes                                              https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/project-management/meeting-notes/

2. Business Plan                                                https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/business-plan/

A. User Identification and Interviews          https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/business-plan/user-identifcation-interview/

B. Electronic/Print Advertisement               https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/business-plan/electronicprint-advertisement/

C. Pitch Video with Demonstration              https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/business-plan/pitch-video-with-demonstration/

3. Software Documentation                           https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/

A. Introduction                                                https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/introduction/
B. User Manual                                                https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/user-manual/
C.Program Description for Developers       https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/program-description-for-developers/
D. Final Pseudocode                                        https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/final-pseudocode/
E. Final Program With Comments               https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/final-program-with-comments/
F. Disscussion                                                   https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/discussion/
G. Conclusions and Recomendations          https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/conclusions-and-recommendations/
H. References                                                   https://u.osu.edu/fe1181au18sec23573c/software-documentation/references/



Executive Summary

Recently programmers have decided to take up the challenge of programming a downloadable version of their favorite game Yahtzee, so it could be played anytime. The team was especially elated about the public being able to play Yahtzee whenever or wherever as long as they have a computer with MATLAB. With single player and multi-player options, the teams online Yahtzee has been a huge success.

At the begging of game development, the group discussed the best way to break the program up into different functions to make the code easier to understand to put together. It was determined that different functions would be made for the different categories scoring. These function upon completion by the team were then assembled together in the full code along with the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI was not needed for the game to function but was determined to be a key factor in user enjoyment during play. The GUI also makes for a less confusing game as it gives the user a visual of their dice as they select, making for less chance of error when selecting which dice to keep in the user’s hand.

The combined program was then tested by each member of the team to find different bugs that needed to be fixed as well as ways the game could be improved. Through this testing process, three major bugs arose. The first being that if a user mistyped the category when choosing how their hand was to be scored the program was terminated. This bug was fixed by a small tweak that prompts the user until they enter a valid entry. It was also found, while not affecting gameplay as the number on the dice is printed to the screen, that the GUI would not open and show the user’s hand on the third roll. For a more consistent gameplay, this small bug was fixed with another small teak to the GUI code. The last major bug was found in the way the game’s program scored a user’s hand if they selected 3 or 4 of a kind but did not qualify for this category. It was found that despite a user not having a qualifying hand the program still added the user’s hand. This was fixed with a tweak to the implementation of the function for the handling of these categories.

In the process of developing the game Yahtzee using the programming language of MATLAB the team members challenged their programming and team work skills to not only make a successful game but to also become better at programming and team work. Added improvements the team would like to make include adding an AI player, so that a user by them selves can have an opponent. The team would also like to expand the capabilities of the GUI so that a user has a visual representation of the categories they have used as well as their score. The user would then be able to pick the category to place their dice on the GUI instead of typing in the number of the category. Despite no yet having an AI component or an expanded GUI, the team is proud of their finished product.