A. Introduction

The team was tasked to develop a game using MATLAB coding software, and to document any relevant information regarding the processes from the project. The team chose Yahtzee as their game, and successfully implemented code that makes the game not only playable, but enjoyable. Yahztee is played by rolling 5 dice, and creating combinations of those rolls to optimize as many points as possible. Different categories of points are available for any given combination, and the player must determine the best way to achieve those combinations; keep a select amount of rolled dice, or re-rolling any number of them. After the creation of the game’s mechanics and visuals through MATLAB, a formal business pitch was created to promote investments for the newly created product.


The proposed game of Yahtzee is an online and interactive rendition of board game classic “Yahtzee”. The game-play is stimulating and enjoyable, supported by a solid foundation of MATLAB code. Designed by the members of renowned Group Q, Yahtzee reflects the embodiment of what the American dream really is, and provides an overall satisfying experience that is fun for the whole family.


The members of Group Q include:

Cedric Harfouche

Jason Keith

Sam Kennedy

Tyler Stands


The specifics of the code, software, discussion, and more are outlined within the following sections, with any more information included within the website.