G. Conclusion and Recommendations

Over the course of this project members of Group F worked together to create four fully functioning games. The games created were Blackjack, Over/Under 7, Craps, and Hangman. In creating these games, the group learned many valuable lessons about project management and coding. The most important thing the group has taken from this project was that being able to manage may be just as important at the ability to code. To create Hangman, the group had separate members attempt to make the game at first, and then come together with their ideas and then choose the best option from there. This step was important because it simply gives more options. For example, if the team used Alex’s version of Hangman, they’d still be trying to get it to work; However, they used Vince’s and are able to successfully turn the project in. After the best game was picked, the group used the same process to finalize the code and incorporate graphics. In the end, the final version of Hangman was produced.

One thing the group recommends is creating different models and rolling with the one that’s better and cleaner. The group also suggests saving all version of code, just in case something goes wrong, you can always go back. When it comes to project management the group recommends creating a clear schedule. Everyone had their versions of their games ready on the same day and it allowed the group to move forward.