F. Discussion


The development of the game was relatively short, only about a few hours outside of class. First, I started with a general plan with how the game was going to work. Then I made a more specific and technical outline, which detailed how the actions of the general plan were going to get executed. Then came the actual development of the game. Some of the challenges included getting the game figure to show up and to be formatted properly. However, this was quickly resolved by looking at a document on how to get the cards to appear which was provided on Carmen (link in the references section).  Documents and the CardDeck file which are provided on Carmen were the only outside resources that was used. As the game started to get base functionality, I started to fix small bugs and making the game easier to play. These include the textbox in the game figure which allow the user to more quickly see which card they want to select, and the while loop which continues to ask for a second card if it matches the first. Once I thought the game was complete, I had my group mates test it repeatedly to see if there were any more errors or bugs before settling on a final version.


Developing hangman only took about 3 days to program. I began by making a very simple version of the game that inputted the word and displayed whether the word was correct or not. After developing the basic part of the game, I began adding more advanced parts such as displaying the word each time it prompted the user for another letter. I then had other group members test the game and gave me feedback as to what I could improve in the game. One of the main challenges of the program was getting the the code to account for words with more than one of the same letter. When the code displayed the letters the player guessed, it would only display one of the same letter. However, decided to refer back to the class applications to help solve the problem which was quickly solved. Overall, many of the concepts used in coding this game were similar concepts to what we did during class applications as well as zyBook readings outside of class.