B. User Manual

Welcome to “Save Brutus!”, a hangman game built by Team M from ENGR 1181 at Ohio State. In this game, you will use your brainpower to successfully guess a randomized word and save OSU’s mascot Brutus Buckeye from being hanged by That School Up North.

The game will run in MATLAB, and everything you need to see and do will be in the command window, shown by the blue box number 3 in the following figure [1]:

You will initially see blank spaces indicating the number of letters which have yet to be guessed, and a prompt to guess a letter.

To take your guess, type a single lowercase letter and hit ‘enter’ on the keyboard.

If you guessed correctly, you will see your letter replace the corresponding blank space. If not, you will see that your number of guesses decreased by 1 one and another part of brutus has been added to the picture.

Don’t make too many mistakes in guessing! Remember, you have to save Brutus!