IV. Over Under 7

The main components needed for Over Under 7 are an infinite loop so the game continues to run until the user decides to quit or looses all of their money, and if statements to determine whether or not the user wins. The initial while loop keeps the game running as long as the user wants to continue. If the user wants to continue, they input any number larger than 0, otherwise they enter 0 and the game ends. This input is stored as the variable resume. Some other variables involved with this game are Balance, Bet_Amount, and sumbet. Balance is input by the user at the beginning of the game and is the amount of money they start with. Bet_Amount is the variable stored as the amount of money the player is willing to bet. There is an if statement in place to make sure the player does not bet below $0 and does not bet above the amount of money in their Balance. The variable sumbet stores the users prediction of what the sum of the two dice will be (A, which is greater than 7, B, which is less than 7, and C, which is equal to 7). Another variable involved with the game is the roll of the two dice. This variable is stored as roll, and is then is summed and stored as the variable troll. An if statement is used to determine if the player has won.