This program is a simply typed code using very basic MatLab functions. This is an easy to understand code that is good for beginners to learn how inequalities and if else loops work. It utilizes if else loops for the majority of the program since Rock Paper Scissors is really just a set of conditions. It also operates with a while loop to keep the program running for as long as the player wants. After every round the player will be asked if he wants to keep playing, if he does he will enter 1 if not 0. This input is set to a variable “resume” and resume is the condition for the while loop surrounding the function. Variables involved with this include the resume variable which is the variable involved in the while loop to keep the function running till the player doesn’t want to play anymore. After every round the player is asked to input the if they would like to keep going if the number is greater than 0 the function will run again. Another variable involved is the program is the cpu answer, the function randomly generates a number between 1 and 3 and stores it in the variable “cpu”. The last variable is the player’s answer. The function ask the player to input a value between 1 and 3 and stores it the variable “Player”. The function than takes the player’s answer and compares it to the cpu’s answer and decides who won.