II. Rock Paper Scissors

Flow Chart

(click to enlarge)



Ask if the player wants to play

Create a while loop for while the player wants to continue it will repeat the program
Display “These are the rules of the game”
Display “Rock is 1”
Display”Paper is 2”
Display “Scissors is 3”
Ask the player for their answer?
Randomly generate cpu’s answer and store in variable “cpu”
display computer answer

if (Player=1 & cpu=3) or (Player=2 & cpu=1) or (Player=3 & cpu=2)
Display “You Win”
if (Player=1 & cpu=2) or (Player=2 & cpu=3) or (Player=3 & cpu=1)
Display “You Lose!”
if (Player=1 & cpu=1) or (Player=2 & cpu=2) or (Player=3 & cpu=3)
Display “Tie!”
If (Player > 3)
Display “Invalid Answer”
Ask if the player would want to continue playing
If they do program will restart
If not it will end loop and program