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The Ohio State University
ENGR 1181 SDP AU17 Group o
Just another u.osu.edu site
1. Project Management
A. Team Working Agreement
B. Individual Responsibility Agreement
C. Project Schedule
D. Meeting Notes
2. Business Plan
A. User Identification and Interviews
B. Electronic/Print Advertisement
C. Pitch Video with Demonstration
3. Software Documentation
A. Introduction
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
B. User Manual
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
C. Program Description for Developers
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
D. Final Algorithm, Flowchart, or Pseudocode
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
E. Final Program with Comments
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
F. Discussion
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
G. Conclusions and Recommendations
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
H. References
I. Mastermind
II. Rock Paper Scissors
III. Craps
IV. Over Under 7
F. Discussion
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