III. Craps

Craps Flowchart-1fb5sss



Set money=-1 as an initial condition.

Create a while loop for when money~=0.

if money<0,

then money=input(‘How much money do you have?’).


fprintf(‘You now have $%.2f dollars.’,money)

end the conditional statement.

Set b=-1 as an initial condition.

Create a while loop for when b<0 or b>money

Set b=input(‘How much do you want to bet?’)

if b<0

then fprintf(‘Your bet must be at least zero.’)

end the conditional statement

if b>money

then fprintf(‘You cannot bet more than you have.’)

end the conditional statement

load the Dice file

set roll = randi([1 6],[1 2]) for a random dice roll

set S = roll (1) + roll (2) for the sum of the dice

fprintf(‘You rolled %i.’,S)

if S==7 or S==11

then imshow([Dice{roll}]) to open figure of dice roll

fprintf(‘You won %i dollars!’,b)

elseif S==2 or S==3 or S==12

then imshow([Dice{roll}]) to open figure of dice roll

fprintf(‘You lost %i dollars!’,b)

set b=b*(-1) to account for lost bet


imshow([Dice{roll}]) to open figure of dice roll

v=input(‘Press enter to roll again.’) to pause

set roll2 = randi([1 6],[1 2]) for a random dice roll

set k = roll2(1) + roll2(2)

Create a while loop for when k~=7 and k~=S

Set roll2 = randi([1 6],[1 2]) for random dice roll

imshow([Dice{roll2}]) to open figure of dice roll

fprintf(‘You rolled %i.’, k);

v=input(‘Press enter to roll again.’) to pause

set k = roll2(1) + roll2(2) for the sum of the dice


if k==7

then imshow([Dice{roll2}]) to open figure of dice

fprintf(‘You rolled 7.You lost %i dollars!’, b)

b=b*(-1) to account for lost bet


imshow([Dice{roll2}]) to open figure of dice roll

fprintf(‘You rolled your first roll. You won %i dollars!’, b)



money=money+b to account winnings or losses


fprintf(‘You lost all of your money!’)