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Table of Contents

Project Management

    1. Team Working Agreement – Signed document expressing the responsibilities of Team J
    2. Individual Responsibility Agreement – Charts documenting the individual responsibility of each team member throughout project
    3. Project Schedule – Timeline of tasks showing the team members in charge of tasks, when the tasks are due, and how much of the task is complete
    4. Meeting Notes – Notes taken on group meetings throughout projects, outlines who is responsible for what tasks, progress of the team, and what was discussed

Business Plan

  1. User Identification and Interviews – One interview with a peer before game development, one interview with a peer after beta testing to gauge the audience for the game
  2. Electronic Advertisement – Flyer that advertises the games, points out important or interesting facts about the game to attract a player base
  3. Pitch Video with Demonstration – Video describing why our games should be funded with video demonstrations on how to play the games

Software Documentation

  • Texas Hold ‘em
  1. Introduction
  2. User Manual – Basic how to play guide for anyone who wants to play the game
  3. Program Description for Developers – Technical description of the game’s code, includes list of variables and commands used
  4. Final Pseudocode – Psuedocode of the final game code
  5. Final Program with Comments – Entire program annotated with comments, includes the Holdem_Game script and Holdem_Victory and HighCard functions
  6. Discussion – Explanations of what occurred during coding and testing, includes obstacles the team met and how they were fixed
  7. Conclusions and Recommendations – Conclusion on game design project and recommendations for alterations of the game if there was further development
  8. References – Outside sources used in development
  • Solitaire
  1. Introduction
  2. User Manual – Basic how to play guide for anyone who wants to play the game
  3. Program Description for Developers – Technical description of the game’s code, includes list of variables and commands used
  4. Final Pseudocode – Psuedocode of the final game code
  5. Final Program with Comments – Entire program annotated with comments
  6. Discussion – Explanations of what occurred during coding and testing, includes obstacles the team met and how they were fixed
  7. Conclusions and Recommendations – Conclusion on game design project and recommendations for alterations of the game if there was further development
  8. References – Outside sources used in development


Executive Summary

The purpose of the software design project is to create a fully functioning game using MATLAB software. This project synthesizes many of the MATLAB material taught in class, as well as how to find an audience for a product, how to cater to that audience, how to test a product to ensure that it functions properly. The team decided to code two card games using MATLAB: Texas Hold ’em and Solitaire. The team split up into two groups for the most part to balance coding for both games. In the end, Texas Hold ’em was complete and was the game that was tested when the due date arrived. This notebook contains the management of the project, the interviews taken, the electronic advertisement and video pitch, and the software documentation for both Texas Hold ’em and all the work that was done on Solitaire. If there was more development time, the team would have been able to complete Solitaire in time as well as improve Texas Hold ’em by giving some intelligence to the computer player to make the game more dynamic. However, the team was successful in reaching the goal of this project and created a fully functioning game that anyone can pick up and play.