B. User Manual

Hangman (MATLAB 2017)



Installation and Usage:

Hangman solely requires a working copy of MATLAB and a copy of the Hangman code in order to properly run. Hangman is instantly ready to use!


Within a limited amount of attempts, try to guess the secret word, provided by MATLAB, before the hangman is drawn. Develop a strategy and choose your letters wisely!

Starting the game:

Hangman will prompt the user with the secret word and upon completion, MATLAB will clear the stored variables. As the user guesses letters, the figure and secret word will update according to correct or incorrect answers.

Exiting the game:

Upon completion, MATLAB will ask the user to continue. Press 1 to continue or 0 to stop. At any point, press Ctrl+C to immediately end the game.


Depending on the given word, which ranges from 4 to 9 letters, the user may guess a consonant or vowel. MATLAB will display if any of the guessed letters are within the word and if not, the figure will show how many guesses are left.


In order to win, the user must guess the word without exceeding the number of allowed guess attempts. If the user runs out of guesses before the secret word is solved, a losing statement is displayed and the hangman is complete. If the user correctly guesses the word, a winning statement is displayed and MATLAB asks the user to continue or not.


In this version of Hangman, DO NOT enter capital letters and/or numbers. Only lowercase letters are allowed.