Emerging Scholars Network Conversations This Fall

September 15, 1 pm (US Eastern Time): Graphic for Elaine Howard Ecklund, Why Science and Faith Need Each Other includes images of the  speaker and the book cover
Elaine Howard Ecklund, Why Science and Faith Need Each Other

One area where Christians can be peacemakers is in building good conversations that bridge between communities of faith and communities of science. Drawing on her experience interviewing over 40,000 scientists and religious believers, Dr. Ecklund will help us understand how shared values and virtues can help us connect.

September 24, 3 pm (US Eastern Time): Warren Brown and Brad Strawn, Enhancing Christian Life (on extended cognition)

I don’t know about you, but in this time of pandemic I had to reimagine a number of spiritual disciplines, from participating in my local church service to daily rhythms of connecting with God. Warren and Brad will share insights from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy that can help us deepen our spiritual growth and our connection to community in this moment.

October 15, Noon (US Eastern Time): Justin Giboney, Compassion and Conviction (on the “And” campaign and civic engagement)

In a complex and stressful election year, are you longing for a bigger vision of what it means to live out faithful civic engagement as a believer? Justin Giboney will help us imagine faithful political and civic engagement as the Body of Christ.

November 10, 1 pm (US Eastern Time), Michael Card, The Nazarene: Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus

Musician and author Michael Card will talk with us about his most recent book, devotionals on the life of Christ. If you’re looking for devotional reading for the season of Thanksgiving and Advent, this is a great opportunity to meditate on the life of Christ in community.

Other Ways to Connect

If you’re looking for a weekly resource to help you and/or a local group grow in faith, check out our weekly readings for this semester. We designed the list in units so that you can tailor it to the length of time that suits your semester, and we curated optional spiritual formation activities to weave into the readings. Feel free to share what you’re learning at the ESN Facebook group or in our field area networking groups (you can ask to join from our main Facebook page). May God bless your work and your rest in this semester.

Hannah, ESN Associate Director

Timing Note: We typically run ESN webinars from 12-1pm in the time zone of the featured speaker; for consistency times are given here in US Eastern Time.

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