The Lamp Post

Welcome to The Lamp Post—a newsletter from InterVarsity’s Faculty Ministry. In November 2016, we relit what we believe is an important resource for faculty, trusting it will engage, inform, and encourage you.

As the name implies, The Lamp Post is about bringing light, helping us to grow in our understanding of God in the face of Christ (II Cor. 4:5-9). May you find encouragement from the articles linked below. Each issue features pieces we recommend from Graduate & Faculty Ministries, The Well, and the Emerging Scholars Network related to spiritual formation, integration of faith and work, and other relevant resources.

Please consider subscribing to The Lamp Post so that you will receive future editions of the Faculty Newsletter delivered directly to your Inbox.

I am grateful for your service to God on campus.

Debra Block Clark
Interim Faculty Ministry Director

Link to past articles from The Lamp Post.

What Has Christianity Ever Done For Us?

This book is available as gift for new faculty and for anyone who requests the book before October 31, while supplies last.

Contact Howard VanCleave to receive a copy.

From the cover

What has Christianity ever done for us? What value is there in seeking to preserve its influence today? In this book, Jonathan Hill answers these questions with some questions of his own. For instance, why do we seal wine bottles with cork? Where did musical notation come from? How did universities get their start? And why was the world’s first fully literate society not in Europe, Asia or North America? As Hill tells the story of the centuries-long entanglement between Christianity and Western culture, he shows the profound influence that Christianity has had–from what we drink to how we speak, from how we write to how we mark the seasons. Employing a rich, narrative style packed with events and people and illustrated throughout in full color, he describes the place of Christianity both in history and in the present day. What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us? is an enlightening and often humorous tour of culture and thought, the arts, the landscape, education, society, spirituality and ethics, and social justice. Here is a rich, entertaining and informative read.

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