The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
All Things Landscape

All Things Landscape


Join Us For Plant Families School October 16

Join us for our annual plant families school. This event is a great way to learn more about the relatedness of plants within selected plant families and their importance. Families covered include the malvaceae, theaceae, rhamnaceae, and more. Presenters include…

Cherry Defoliation May Not be Drought-Related

Participants in the 2024 Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop held this past Friday in the OSU OARDC Secrest Arboretum in Wooster, OH, observed weeping cherries in various stages of defoliation. Leaves were turning an intense yellow and dropping from the trees….

Fall Armyworm Alert!

Dave Shetlar (BugDoc), Ph.D. & Shaohui Wu, Ph.D. This article has been reposted from the Buckeye Turf Blog. Click HERE to view the original article.  All summer, we have seen very little evidence of the fall armyworm (FAW) activity that was similar…

The Secret Life of Bulbs Event

The Secret Life of Bulbs Event

  Registration link:

My Lawn Looks Terrible this Summer! What can I do?

By: Thomas deHaas This article has been reposted from the BYGL Newsletter, to view the original post, click HERE.  A healthy lawn needs 3 things: proper moisture, good nutrition, and proper cultural practices.   To start off, many areas have…

Virtual Q&A: Making Food at Home to Sell

Virtual Q&A: Making Food at Home to Sell

Join Nicole Arnold, Food Safety Field Specialist, and team (Katie Stolte-Carroll, previous Ohio Dept of Ag inspector; Emily Marrison, Assistant Professor) in virtual sessions to engage with new and experienced home-based food producers. Each Q&A will briefly introduce various topics…

One Sweet Gathering - Ohio Maple Syrup Producers

One Sweet Gathering – Ohio Maple Syrup Producers

Turf Team Times 06. 21. 2024

Did you know that OSU Extension has resources for those managing turfgrass? Check out the Turfgrass Team Times, a podcast where professionals discuss topics such as herbicides for post emerge crab, slime mold, managing for heat, and beetles. Thanks to…

Tartarian honeysuckle. Photo by Kathy Smith, OSU Extension, School of Environment and Natural Resources.

Honeysuckle; Friend or Foe?

By Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension Originally posted to the Ohio BEEF Cattle Newsletter, to view the original post, click HERE.  Honeysuckle is a commonly found plant that often draws the attention of passersby…