The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Forage Quality Analysis Service available thru The Ohio State University

Forage testing and quality analysis is now available at the Sustainable Agroecosystems Lab, a part of The Ohio State University. The lab is committed to advancing sustainable agricultural practices, and their latest service offering is designed to support farmers, researchers,…

Using drought stressed soybeans for hay or silage

By: Jason Hartschuh, Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension This article has been reposted from the Ohio BEEF Cattle Newsletter. To view the original article, click HERE.  Long before soybeans were cultivated as oil…

Forage Nitrate Toxicity a Major Concern as Drought Worsens

By: Jason Hartschuh, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Field Specialist This article has been reposted from the OSU Sheep Team Newsletter. To view the original article, click HERE. (Image Source: University of Missouri Extension) Weather conditions across Ohio have been…

Managing Forage to Finish 2024

 By: Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Noble County This article has been reposted from the OSU Sheep Team website. To view the original article, click HERE. With the drought conditions we have experienced this summer, many livestock producers and haymakers…

Corn Silage Pricing

By: Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension This article has been reposted from the Buckeye Dairy News, to view the original article, click HERE. Pricing Corn Silage Corn silage…

Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: A July 15th Projection

Author(s): Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Pierce Paul, Stephanie Karhoff, CCA Reposted from the C.O.R.N. Newsletter. To view the original article, click HERE. As pollination continues in corn fields across the state of Ohio, we continue our weekly updates pertaining to the projected risk…

What’s Wrong with Stacking Round Bales?

Amber Friedrichsen, Associate Editor, Hay and Forage Grower (Previously published in Hay & Forage Grower: July 2, 2024) (Image Source: Hay & Forage Grower) Moving round bales out of a field and under cover may seem like one more item on…

Wheat’s early, are oats a doublecrop ‘forage’ option?

Originally Posted in the Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter. To view the original post, click HERE.  by: Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County With Ohio’s wheat crop coming off early this year, those who may need additional forage have an…

What Is Your Hay Outlook?

Originally posted to the Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter. To view the original post, click HERE. By: Jordan Penrose, Ohio State University Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Morgan County With first cutting progressing across the state, now is the time…

How To Take Hay Samples

Allison Lund, Indiana Prairie Farmer, Senior Editor (Previously published online with FarmProgress Indiana Prairie Farmer: June 14, 2024) Get into the routine of sampling after every cutting. Here are tips for how to access a probe and how to take proper samples….