
Reflection 13

Budget is so significant to manage our organization but leaders should not forget their kinds of organization. This is a fact, if our mission is economical benefit so we should think about making money. While if our organization has different mission such as helping people, we should not care about benefits and I like to pocus on this kinds of organization. One of my friends always told me that I cannot be a business person because after selling my goods I embarrassed to tell them to pay me. Then I cannot be a businessperson. As you know I had a Non-profit organization and I didn’t have this task or selling my products but I had an other mission, which was making connection with others. I am living in a developing country and this is obvious that people are trying to make some money for their families and volunteering jobs was not easy. At the same time my society is so kind and they are ready to help others. I used this positive point and visited them specific agriculture ministry. The first time they thought I will be their competitor but when I invited them to some meetings they understand that my job can help them. They help me a lot. For instance, they could give me some innovation such as seeds so I could cultivate and show other farmers. My experience was so small but I deem for bigger companies or business companies this situation will be completely different and we should have be more precise. This is clear that in this situation we need counters and he/she should investigate all financial documents every year. Also he/she should compare current situation with their goals. I think for this point I have done some mistake. For instance, even Non- profit organization should think about economical benefits and it should be saved them for some crises day. For future, I would like to consider to this point and make another plan for future. I believe our mistakes specific in business can be the best teacher for our future plans.
In addition, an Institution priority is so important to be considered and some times even in my privet life I forget this concept. For instance, I built a room for my guard in my organization while I didn’t need. I needed to build to store to sell our products so we could have some income for our organization. But these issues for material are so simple than connection with human resources. I think time awarded me that I had great employees while that time I forget them because of our limitation in our budget and always I wanted to change employees. For example, I had a kind worker although because of his edge and he couldn’t work vey well but he supported me and he was honesty with me. If a opened a store I could keep him in our organization to help us to sell our products so these examples tell me for future I should think about making fond to use positive elements vey well in my employees.
I wish to repeat those days to accomplish my jobs with these new information and science.

reaction 11 change

Reflection 11

Name: Sharmin Faraj

Date: 3/30/2014

Professor King

            This is a fact that every person tries to change paradigm and we can see all this modern life as the results of change so altering our approach is inevitable. Scholars designed some diagrams and formulas to facilitate the study of change.  They are some simple models and because of our limitation to illustrate all effective points in one carve, they ignore some vital points. I believe decision making process and the process of change have direct connection with each other.  As mentioned, decision making process is a procedure to encourage our target group to choose or reject an idea or innovation. At the same time, in changing process we will try to alter an idea or innovation which has consolidated from long time ago. In addition, before any change manager should recognize some elements:

First, what should they change?

Second, how can they change

Third, why they want to change?

Forth, who will be changed

I think to answer the first three questions are easy and managers can find them without referring to their employees but the last one is so important and I deem leaders should concentrate on this question. As considered humans have complicated behavior and even we have not recognized our personality. Anyway, leaders should start this process from their subordinates and I think the first and easiest place to start is studying the history of their organization because they can get valuable information about their trend but if their company is new I believe they should study their culture and some social elements. For instance, they should investigate their society as conservative or originate. In each case managers should be ready to face different reactions to change. Usually, according to my experience changing the conservative society is not easy but when leaders change them they can keep the leaders’ approach and usually these kinds of people are waiting to see the first sign of  changes from their colleagues. Usually we can see conservative people among heterogeneous people such as some people belong to different groups, tribes, religion and so on.

Furthermore, I think we need to know more about changing from bottom to up or from different direction. As I read several material in this week, although the authors didn’t mention to the name of director or manger or leader directly, unknowingly the readers perceive that these changing process is from up to down but what about down to up? Although they have a same process, changing from down to up is more difficult. Changing from down to up is not easy because employees can feel some pressures from their mangers because managers are skeptical about any change in their organization. As a result, how we can make integrity with them?  I deem in this situation subordinates should attempt to absorb their attention and build a trustful atmosphere.

Moreover, according to the face and react to change I recognize that I have different reaction for different problems and situations. Making decision in different situations depends on my environment, followers, colleagues or generally my information but when I decide, I would prefer to be responsible for my decision. Therefore, I guess usually when I face change I am more practical, flexible, changeable, focus on results, open mind, and team- oriented.  But in all my life I have tried to concern empathy and think about my focus groups as myself. Sometimes I could understand them and sometimes no. For example, when I visited a villager in one of my survey I suppressed because a poor deaf man without one leg with eight children asked me a question with his body language.  He asked me “do want help?” I didn’t understand and I taught he bagged and I told him “no I do not have any coin to help you” but he put his hand in his pocket and he showed me $20 dollars. He wanted to give me this amount of money. I embarrassed and I understood sometimes we should think about them and learn from them even from disables. Sometimes some events cause to learn more and to have different reactions. For this reason I deem that my reaction for any change depends on my environment and information. This is a fact, that I will have different reaction about poor people in rural areas.




reflection 10

As known the process of appraising is difficult because some part of human outcome is not visible specific in educational system. In economic science we can masseur the out puts so to determine each section in a factory is simple and even it has been emerging more concepts in this process such as productivity but I am skeptical in the human factory or education system. In addition, I think the concept of performance cannot appraise and subordinate completely. Human behavior is so complex and in some situation human needs to have quick reaction with lower quality of outcome. For instance, a doctor cannot surgery a person in emergency condition in an ambulance car so we cannot predict to heal this person completely. While in performance definition we can see only limited factors are important such as effort, ability and direction. Furthermore, I think job description and job specification relates to our goal indirectly and all details encompass our goals. Thus to explain them to employees are crucial. At the same time, we should consider their rights and even we should mention to their extra work if it is possible. For instance, if they will have more outcome they can get more salary which relates to motivation realm but as I mentioned the process of managing and leading is a puzzle so each part has connection with others. Moreover, I deem to appraise a task in a specific situation, some criterion is different form one job to another. For example, when I was assistance professor in Kurdistan on one hand I didn’t have a room. On the other hand, I didn’t need to stay in a room and looking my watch to see 4:00pm and return my home because always I was surveying rural place or working in my NGO. At the same time, our chair of department every day checked our attendance one by one such as elementary schools, He ignored about the quality of my lecture and students satisfaction.  I disliked this atmosphere because I was thinking that I should use my seconds to get my goals not to kill seconds. Sometimes when he couldn’t find me he called me” where are you?” and I told him I am planting a tree so these regulations triggered to decrease my motivation in my academic experience in Kurdistan. As a result, before determining any criteria to evaluate our employees we should prepare their requirements because as mentioned preparing them is one important part of motivation.

Likewise, I consider some questions in checklist is so general and to get premium results the manager should be specific and such as research yes or no questions are the worst kinds of question because it is so wide so Likert scale is better. Also I would like to highlight the rewards, extrinsic or intrinsic. When I was managing my Non Profit Organization I describe some tasks for my worker but after the first week I saw a big change in our NPO. He changed the whole landscape and when I entered I could not believe that garden was the same garden. I discovered that he had lots of potential in landscaping with available resources. He didn’t study landscape but I could change the garden so in this situation I forgave him about some little problems while according to the inflexible frames I could fire him for a little problem. I admit to appraise my employees with a holistic view so we can forgive them for some problem because they have more abilities to compensate those gaps.

I believe mangers should monitor the whole system to find suitable person for suitable job. Some theories recognize this need and they innovated new style of managing. Working employees are just like a cycle. It means they do not have specific job so they have the opportunity to try themselves in different positions and this kind of management can have impact for specific tasks. Thus employees can understand each other and they can find their capabilities in different jobs. But this cycle method is not useable for everywhere.  For instance, it  is not possible for somewhere which everybody should have specific skills such as hospitals.

reflection 9 mentoring and coaching

Name: Sharmin Faraj

Date: 10/10/2014

Reflection 9

This topic, motivation is important to continue the process of leading and I wish some of our local leaders knew about this term but I hope to consider this information for future in my personal work . I believe coaching and mentoring are similar although they have some differences. The leader Coaches and mentors subordinates while they are working and the purpose of this process is encourage them to do the best while according to my perception I think mentoring is more general and it is some advice to our colleague or friend to do their mission while coaching is more details and to solve small problems is useful.

I deem each step of leadership process such as mentoring and coaching are similar with the process of conducting a research.  For instance, to do a research we should determine some factors like goals and problem statements.  Also knowing about these factors is significant to continue our managing process and to establish an organization or any other kind of centers neither business nor other parts of human life such as culture are easy but to continue the activities to achieve the goals is difficult. Now these two concepts mentoring and coaching are vital such as fuel for a car. We want to help the organization to have stable situation and making motivation, mentoring and coaching are so important. All these parts of leadership functions are just like several parts of a puzzle. We have a problem which we can design our goals to solve our problems and this problems is not temporary because we are living in human society so we should consider to continue the process of managing. To keep going this process mentoring and coaching are essential. I believe every manger or leader should know about all steps in the process of coaching and mentoring. According to my personal experience, leaders in our developing countries do not know about these process but people choose them as their leaders because unknowingly they know about people and how they can solve their obstacles. In the whole lecture I consider two concepts which are obstacles and option. In fact, before I didn’t think about insights but now I can understand the role of insights in the horse and chair example.  Now I should consider how I can prepare employee’s mind while I have some obstacles that I cannot eliminate them such as physical barriers. I would like to add my experience with different options. Usually in my personal life when I have any problem I would like to make a list of my solutions but also I add two more columns to mention advantage and disadvantage of each option so I can choose the best one with more advantage and fewer disadvantages.  Finally, in the future I deem we as a manger or leader, have to consider these two approaches, coaching and mentoring because they are important to continue our mission in the organization.



The next step of the process of leading is keeping the organization stable and successful so it needs to encourage members to be more active but how?

I believe making motivation is so significant to help the organization to obtain their goals. The organization is a system such as an engine which  needs some feed. But here our engine is not mechanical engine so we need to know about the characteristics of the members of organization. As the motivation text mentioned we should know about the employees’ requirement. For instance, if our worker doesn’t care about internist motivation I should recognize that because in this situation any certification doesn’t have any meaning to them. Moreover, if our employees do not care about physical requirements so we should encourage them by intrinsic awards such as improve their level of their jobs. I believe this principle in leadership realm has connection with Maslow pyramid although in some cases is different. For example, I know some powerful leaders who suffered some horrible circumstances but they didn’t give up and they believe to gain their goals even in jail such as Mandela .  In addition, we have different example such as some kings that they forget people even with lots of budget and money. They didn’t change their minds to be a proper people to assist others so people revolt against them and with people’s pressure they should leave their positions. Always these kinds of sovereigns get happy if they see some extra material in their life. I believe this issue is so complex and to know more about some details we should study our employees’ characteristics.   In addition, I believe “two – way factor” theory was significant in my job when I was assistance professor. I didn’t like to work at the university while their criteria specific for women employees was different from the nature of science and teaching. I didn’t like to see an environment where my colleagues could thrive in their position because of their connection with our vice dean and any other managers?  Then, in this circumstance I couldn’t find any competency or equity in the highest level of academy in my society so I tried to escape from this environment and I didn’t like to spend time and energy in this academia. I feel this theory in my life for the first time. Before, I was thinking about it but I couldn’t find any specific name such as “ hygiene factors” so I attempted to establish my organization although we didn’t have enough budgets but I satisfied because I know I am responsible for everything according to my goals. I believe to have a successful organization and the whole society we have to prepare a healthy environment. It means we have to try to make a transparent atmosphere so everybody knows about right and task which in my university was neglected.

Moreover, usually in my life I try to make some difficult efforts to quantitative effort. For instance, when my professor tell me you should study 200 pages book and for the next week you should take an exam and get more than %80of score, I will try to study  50 pages per day so I formulize my effort to numbers of pages  which is “goal setting theory”. I think to ease our tasks is useful.

In on boarding article I wished to see about horizontal communication among subordinates and how manager can make a friendly environment with some engagement. For instance, my colleague could get prize so in a healthy competition I want to be winner for the next time.  Knowing new issue promoted me to study more about this topic which I mentioned.    I think on- boarding idea is a perfect idea but what about some urgent situation or deficiency of budget. What a manger can do. It means in cries situation how a manger can control every things. I think even changing one manager in an organization can make crisis but in the short time how we can help second manger to know more about organization.


According to the questioner form , sample interview questions, to gain correct answers with high accuracy is hard or impossible because even I cannot answer them or to write them for myself correctly. As we mentioned in decision making process sometimes we should forget some wrong decision in our life but still the form is so valuable. In fact, I tried to find practice methods to measure leadership issues and I think this is an acceptable tool. Practically I deem this part of leadership section is the hardest part to me because I have experience and even with following the process we cannot predict some reaction of our employees. In my country I had a small farm and at the same time I had more than three different jobs so I didn’t have enough time to manage my farm so for the first time I hired an Kurdish worker who was living in the same neighborhood.  He was retired from water department and he was nice but he didn’t have enough skill to control and manage the farm. Some events caused that I understood he is a sympatric person for me and the farm but I knew he couldn’t work very well. Sometimes he conflicted with other neighbors because of the farm. As a result, to determine and find all factors inside one person is so difficult so I fired him. I hired another Bangladesh worker because I was sure that he will work for 24 hours. Also he was a farmer in his country. During the first week he changed the landscape of the farm and it was explicit this change for every outsiders. In addition, because of his skill I knew he was a perfect farmer so he was keeping work till several months but accidently one of my neighbors told me that he is selling some flowers while he didn’t tell me. As a result, although he had expert but he was not trustful and even after lots of filters that I determine to hire a worker still I couldn’t discover this behavior. I believe one of the hardest decision making is hire or fire someone because this decision doesn’t have impact only on my life but also it has effect on others life. Moreover, I think to control any organization lots of elements contribute in this process. For example, having  budget is significant because with enough budget we can have more than one worker and the can complete some gaps in their personality with each other. Furthermore, I believe every step of the process of Hiring is vital but if we consider our environment the hiring will be much more difficult. For instance, in my country without a specific information system and strong communication network how we can Hire a perfect person for a position but in developed country such as here to hire somebody is very easy because a system is ready and we should only find different parts of a puzzle and put them in the right position to emerge a picture which is the goal of the organization. It means based on the organization goal we should find a perfect person according to his/ her experience. Also in developed countries everything is clear such as the tasks, the rights and punishments so the employers and employees know about their expected behavior followed be any attitude.

Moreover, to answer this question, tell me how you would handle a difficult task if odds were against you succeeding?

I should imagine real situation and the real situation is so complex. Personally, making decision in this situation depends on several points:

First, I had this case but I didn’t have any way besides firing my workers although I got depress and so sad.

Second, depends on their behavior I can make decision and here I divide this behavior to several categories:

A)    His/ her behavior relates to learning some skills,  Changing this behavior is easy because one career can help us to solve the problem although again depends on some factors such as his/her edge, my budget and time my decision is different.

B)    His/her behavior relates to confidence, It means how much I can trust him/her to manage an organization.

Further, I was living in three countries and if I see Kurdistan as an outsider I can analyze the situation. As I mentioned environment is very crucial issue. The base of economy in my country is on oil so people do not like to work and to learn more skills so always I am skeptical to build a developed country.  This behavior has a long history. When people discovered oil they were happy because they could sell them and at the same time Baas regime have not killed only people but also they have destroyed all sectors of economy so in this way they could control people with gun or money. To eliminate this reaction from people is so hard so in this situation you should think about outsiders while you do not like to hire them but you do not have any way. Now from oil farms to agricultural farms are controlled by outsiders because to find Kurdish experts is difficult. But fortunately these situation pushed Kurdish to go to other countries to learn more skill and languages than insiders. I believe to foster new active generation. We have to concentrate to this group and we should prepare a suitable environment for them. Three years ago we hold a conference with prize giving. We gave prize to a Kurdish German farmer who could cultivate more than 300 Acers in Kurdistan and from that day I believe we can change this situation with Kurdish outsiders.

Finally, I believe hiring and firing system are so important as a manager in an organization so we should consider each factor precisely.

reflection 6

Reflection 6

Name: Sharmin

the material of this time reminds me the process of decision making. It reminds me the process of Van den Ban the writer of “Communication for rural innovation”. He considered the step by step of decision making process and he believed to have each stage is important to accept or reject the innovation. First, the persons should be aware about the innovation s, second  they can communicate with others who already use the innovation , third the innovation should have the capability to be used by them temporally or testability, forth if they see that the innovation can satisfy them, they can accept it or  vice versa.  In addition, the characteristics of innovation are significant in this process. For instance, if somebody couldn’t buy the new technology so he/she will reject that. I believe also to analyze decision making process we should consider to these points.  This point specific my attempt as an extension agent to change my client behavior is so important even to satisfy my subordinate.  Furthermore, the process of decision making is the most important part of human life. Also the necessity of this process is more important for leaders because not also their benefits are important but also they should consider to the goal of organization.  As it was mentioned in this lecture and material, I deem to have more successful results we should try to delegate some responsibilities to subordinates but when?

This concept is complex and I think in these circumstances we can delegate some tasks:

First, I believe as a manger if I have some subordinates as experts in my organization it is helpful to delegate some specific tasks to them.

Second, in my organization if I am responsible for any result, I will be more curious to determine  final desicion.

Third, If my subordinates have more skills than me as a leader or they have strong connection with other people of the organization I would be happy to delegate some jobs to them but if I see that  they are not educated  or they cannot lead anything I prefer to control everything myself or according to my material to be autocratic manager.

Forth, time always is a crucial issue so if we have enough time to analyze the ability of subordinate we can delegate to task but in crisis situation to delegate tasks is risky.

Personally, making decision is a hard process specific in the US to me.  Even, I am skeptical to buy simple products because of information and I am totally agree with this quote that information is power but I am trying to get more information through all kinds of media and internet, although some broadcastings exaggerate some events or products. I believe in this communication world to find wrong and right is so difficult.  I am from a country that even I didn’t have a systematic bank account so we could not buy anything online. Also multi diversity is very important in my home city while one of my subordinate was from Bangladesh so I could not let hem to make decision because he was not familiar with the environment such as law and some more details.  At the same time, my tasks was more than here. I deem to have a successful life I agree with all points of the sheet which is our material for this week such as ignoring our wrong decision making, living in crisis, having strategic approach and also emphasizing on our positive decision. Moreover, I like to take risk because without taking risk to discover the world and our environment are difficult and sometimes impossible so I would prefer to add one more factor to this sheet which is about taking risk.  I believe decision making is very important and people should consider lots of elements to decide correctly. Finally, I would like to learn more about how we can teach people to make decision correctly.


ethical leadership

Ethical leadership

                Ethical leadership is a substantial topic in leadership program. Different writers mention to different facts but I want to individualize them according to my values and behaviors. The first point, to determine the connection between iceberg and integrity is difficult. Integrity is a main factor in leaders and it means to be honesty but sometimes we do not need to show all of our values to others and I think it doesn’t have any contradiction with integrity. But it is my mistake till know everybody knows about my values and they can understand why I do not like some people around me.   Also I do not like to get involved with somebody that without competence could get high responsibility in our government or in political parties. I imagine always somebody is following me to control my behaviors so I try to be far from these people. I think it is completely wrong and I am not that iceberg. I should use them as a tool to help people and to reach my goals. Always my friends tell me that I am so strike and I am not flexible and adaptable with these people. Till now this behavior is harmful to me and also for people who I wish to help them.

             Moreover, I believe ethical leader behaviors are beyond moral standard actions. Because these standards are dictated form organization and this human made organization always has deficit and sometimes for some circumstances they are not the best way to have reaction. I confirm this point and in my daily life sometimes even I sacrificed my life for others and I broke the wall of standards. Sometimes I regret but in general I am happy that I could help somebody else with breaking the laws. Also in some situation I do not believe these laws and I think they are not scientific so it doesn’t have any meaning to limit myself between the walls of wrong ideas so I neglected them and I suffer the consequences of them.

                      Furthermore, I deem to control the organization is so significant so the manager and the leader should know about all people who have connection with them. Personally, I have problem to understand coworkers or employs. As you know, I was the manger of my organization so I trust to my Bangladesh worker and I left the organization and the farm for him but after several months I understood the number of ornamental plants decreased and when I asked my neighbors they told me that this worker was selling the plants and I shocked because I trust him and I prepared comfortable life with proper salary to him. I believe every manager and leader should consider this trust and they should control everything. Neglecting activities and details means disorganization and fail in the process of managing.

                As one of the texts considers I deem government has a significant impact on individual. In the closed society with limited traditions and specific norms this is a fact that moral standards are not so important. It means people do not pay attention to any roles because they know their society is not acceptable. I want to exemplify to the iceberg. The pre- assumption of this example is an iceberg in the ocean but if we exchange the ocean with oil or any other liquid can we predict to have the same iceberg?? Of course No! Because according to the floating law in physics we cannot predict to have the same iceberg. As a result, if we have different society we cannot predict to see the same amount of behaviors and attitudes. This is a fact, people are thinking about themselves and the amount of speaking is more than acting. As a result in developed countries people do not live for themselves and their consciences, they are living for others. I believe this topic, ethical leadership, is so important and I hope to implement with my attitudes and behaviors and to analyze this topic and find ourselves as a leader we need more space and time.     


Sharmin relection 3

Dear professor King,

Thanks about this topic. It is so interesting and I wish to return to my country to share with my lovely students. I believe it is not a simple topic about leadership. it is a perfect guideline to live peacefully and to recognize ourselves.

I am waiting to caught more information and to know about myself


Name: Sharmin Faraj

Professor: King

Course : Leadership and administration

Date: 1/26/2013

Reflection 3

I impressed with Leadership traits theory but at the same time it has some problems. Personally, I have been living in three countries so I can understand very well that environment has a significant role to determine our behavior. I will clarify this claim with some parts of our lecture;

                First, some signs of my personality tell me that I am extravert. For instance, I want to show and tell my ideas quickly. Even sometimes after telling my idea I will think about what I said. Consequently, this quick reaction made lots of problems in my life. According to my experience, I think this kind of people is more in poor countries or poor level of society includes women. Why? Because we like to make up our lake of information and power. We do not have any power in our society as a simple resident so in our local groups we like to show our ideas and we think it might be useful and we are hopeful somebody finds some solution for our problems in our ideas. Now I deem that environment can have effect on our reaction to be introvert or extravert. When I was living in both Iran and Iraq the society shows me that I should have quick reaction. For instance, in our academic classrooms our professors encourage us to answer their answers quickly while in the United States was so different. Professors gave me enough time to think and speak. Finally, after I came to the United States I am trying to develop my introvert behavior and think about every think holistically. As a leader I  believe he/she should know both reaction because situations are different.

                Second, making design is one important part of our life from getting married to buying daily products. Moreover, every human has different criteria to make design. For instance, when I was in my country I tried to buy the last brand of everything and my feeling overcame to my thinking but life in the United States and as a student shows me that this approach is not suitable for here because in my country I made design according to my feeling while my life change and now I purchase something according to my logic sense. I use the example of buying something because it is more clear and tangible. As a result, environment again can change the process of design making. I deem this process is more important in a leader personality because he/she is not alone and some followers are waiting to see the reaction.

                Third, learning is an individual process so it is different from person to person. Furthermore, the first step of this process is knowing about we are in deductive part or inductive which in this lecture it was declared different terminology but same meaning. Although, sensing and intuition has a wide factors than inductive and deductive.  Personality, I am intuition person. It means I would like to know about the whole topic first and after I would like to know about more details. Even I would like to have the whole material from the first day of each semester online on Carmen to predict my plan step by step because the size and difficulty of each topic is different. Although most of professors send us their syllabus on Carmen before the first class. Also I believe I have to develop my sensing dimension. Again our condition can have impact on our approach. For example, because I am third language from the first day of each semester I am worried about my final paper while for some others this is not a big issue and sometimes they start to write several days before deadline. Consequently, I am not sure this is my personality or my situation.

Forth, I believe again each person have different reaction in different situation. I believe my reaction in a hard situation is judging because as I mention my personality is more extravert and I guess this personality has judging reaction. I believe successful leaders should progress perceiving reaction because of managing crisis and I would prefer to develop it too. Deadline is the most important term in my life and closing deadline makes me worried.

                Briefly, I believe not only leaders but also common people should enhance these skills in their life. Even sometimes I am thinking about this course as a general course to teach in the universities in all majors. When I analyze this topic I understood each individual should follow these items and we cannot restrict this topic only in one world as leadership class. This topic is a guideline to establish a successful life. Moreover, knowing these factors is so crucial to know more about each other and our power or weakness. Till now I didn’t pay attention to my professors to analyze these factors but after studying these materials I discovered myself and my family member. Also it can cause to know more about each other so it will lead to create a peaceful life.          

Sharmin reflection 2

Hello guys,

This week I would like to reflect my views to leadership with some local examples.

I am so exiting to know more about leadership and every day I am  thinking about the meaning of this concept to find a perfect definition for leadership. It is so difficult not because Kurdish nation doesn’t have any leaders. Because I want to find a perfect definition to find myself inside it. As you study our history from Neanderthal till current history you can find lots of real leaders but for some reasons they couldn’t continue their approach so I understood that leadership is making a process to build a school. A new school which others can continue a specific goal even without the leader. As I mentioned in the previous reflection I would like to convert disadvantage to advantage to reach my goal. I believe this is a responsibility also for a leader. To clarify this complex issue I would like to exemplify my idea. Kurdish nation is divided between four countries and after the Mad Empire and Sumerian civilization till now we have had several political leaders during history but till now they couldn’t have strong influence on their nation. I want to start from Kurdistan Iran. Ghasi mohammed, Dr Sharafkandi and Dr Ghassemolu were three political leaders in Kurdistan Iran but beside some small activities their goals have not been reached for some reasons:

First, they didn’t have a strong skill to integrate their community. Because of the lake of information about these subcultures they didn’t try to make an integrated community and simplified their goals for other sub cultures in Kurdistan Iran. For instance. they focused on the limited cities and they couldn’t transfer and adapt their message to other parts of their community so neglected cities got a barrier for their goals which was in the same direction of our empire, Iran. It is important to know these cities have different accents and different sub religions. Consequently, leaders should know about every dimension of their communities.

Second, humanity and to be simple are two different concepts in this issue. These leaders trusted to their enemy and they wanted to negotiate with Iranian government far from international views so it is easy for this empire to kill our leaders very easy in Berlin or in Kurdistan. As a result, leaders cannot be simple because they are political elite and leaders so one nation is waiting to see their action.

Third, these days are so different compare to twenty years ago because of technology. Leaders should try to make advantage to reach their goals. Technology is an amazing instrument to mobilize people. For instance, I would like to mention to three recent leaders in Kurdistan Iraq, Turkey and Syria. From dark days after Sadam collapsed till ten years ago we have had two political parties who have controlled our region with their traditional methods. Sometimes I am thinking that they are Sadam’s students. But now we are happy that we have educated leader. He could establish an opposition  party while these mafia parties do not like him but how he could relatively get power? The answer of this question is easy. Nawshirwan Mostafa  graduated from international politics in Norway and for the first step he established Wousha company to defuse new knowledge among people. He could make a revolution but without fighting. His TV, radio and Newspaper have had a great influence on people so they are waiting to watch, hear and read news from his broadcasts.  I believe leaders should catch this opportunity to reach their goals.

Forth, establishing a philosophical school is a leader responsibility. I believe that the last one is the most important one. Because every human has a limited time to be alive and leaders should pridect this fact because to gain great goals they need more time. Among Kurdish leaders I could see this characteristic in Abdollah Ocalan .  According to times newspaper he is the strongest leader in the world because one nation with more than fifty million people are looking him and they are ready to act and to support him while several years ago political atmosphere caused that this nation had forgottn their identity in Kurdistan Turkey. He is my leader and I can see all characteristics of a successful leader. After thirteen years still he is in the Turkish jail because of me and my nation. He integrated Kurdish nation not only in Turkey but also in three more countries. He established a school to revive Kurdish nation with his books in the jail. Ocalan is not alone and he could make some copies such as him in the world from German physician to Kurdish Syrian rebel. I am happy to have this leader  because I can predict my daughter can proud of him to have Kurdish leader such as Ocalan. He will be Nerselon Mandela for the world but not now because international view cannot understand him and his books . Also  current political contracts are  barriers to introduce him to the world. The only thing that he wish to have in the prison is the books so because of this knowledge he has lots of information about all sub cultures and the whole history. Briefly, knowledge can make a powerful leader because he can analyze current situation and predict the future.

As a result, leaders are not common people because they should have some characteristics. They should know about their community such as values, and norms. Also leaders should be aware of threats against them and their nation. In addition, leaders should catch  opportunities to obtain their goals. In fact, having knowledge is important for modern leaders specific about their target and the whole history because they can predict future.