Food Insecurity and Mental Health: An Unexplored Global Health Concern

U.S. Bank Conference Theater – Ohio Union

February 2, 2020 3:00 P.M. – Academic

I attended the discussion on food insecurity as it relates to mental health on Sunday. The even related to International Affairs with its focus on the global impact of mental health as a result of food insecurity. Food insecurity is a major problem in places all over the world, including the United States. Along with that, the issue of mental health is a universal concern, but before this even I had never thought of them together. One physical problem seems so pressing you overlook what that does to families mentally. I wondered what solutions there were to aiding these people not only with their nutritional needs but their mental needs as well. I am studying psychology right now so anything that has to do with our mental state and what effects it as humans interests me greatly. The event definitely impacted me, it inspired me to look past baseline problems and think more about digging deeper to root issues that may be overlooked in many cases. I am very passionate about helping others around the world as well as our mental health and the state of our minds, I feel it is the most important thing. This event was the perfect mix of those passions and it reminds me of my personal goals to go out and help others live better, healthier lives in every aspect.

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