JUROS Research Panel

The Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State, Research Panel (Academic)

Lazenby Hall – Room 21

November 21, 2019 5:45 – 6:45 pm

I attended the Churros with JUROS research panel tonight in Lazenby Hall, and I attended the event with my roommate. The event relates to coursework that I am taking this semester as well as coursework I will continue to take in the future. I am on a pre-medicine track with a Psychology degree, so research is a big part of what I am studying. Research in both medical and psychological sciences are a big part of how the fields make advancements. During the event, I had questions about how those on the panel got involved in research in the first place and how they managed it with all of their other commitments. The panelists gave great insight on the different approaches to getting involved in research and the importance of time management, as well as what the work load looks like depending on what lab you’re in. The event definitely impacted me, it helped me figure out my next steps in terms of getting involved with research as well as what I should expect and how I should approach the whole experience. Overall, the event intersects directly with my academic career goals in terms of my study of Psychology and possibly applying for graduate or medical school in the future.


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