Press release about our worm picking robot
Transfer of C. elegans using a worm picking robot
From Z. Li, A. D. Fouad, P. D. Bowlin, Y. Fan, S. He, M. Chang, A. Du, C. Teng, A. Kassouni, H. Ji, D. M. Raizen, and C. Fang-Yen, “A robotic system for automated genetic manipulation and analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans on agar media”
Hongfei’s paper is published in PNAS
A proprioceptive feedback circuit drives Caenorhabditis elegans locomotor adaptation through dopamine signaling
Hongfei Ji, Anthony D. Fouad, Zihao Li, and Christopher Fang-Yen
PNAS 120 (20) e2219341120 (2023)
Video of C. elegans dehydration and recovery
From our paper “Dehydrated Caenorhabditis elegans Stocks Are Resistant to Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles” by and