– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, OSU Extension Noble County
A pop of positivity to start your week is here! Peonies are popping across Southeast Ohio!
As I write this article, my peonies are still in bud, but will grace my yard with their gorgeous displays any day now. I can’t wait! My peonies are blooming two weeks later than they did last year. A common thing to see with peonies is a gathering of ants on the buds and blossoms. These ants do not damage the plant at all. They are there because of the sweet nectar that coats the buds. There is no need to treat or disperse the ants, unless you cut the blossoms and wish to bring them indoors. In that case, dip the flower in a cool glass of water before bringing inside.
Peonies are a favorite flower of many gardeners. They are beautiful, fragrant, and relatively low maintenance. The peony is the state flower of Indiana and Van Wert, Ohio is known as “The Peony Capitol of the World”, hosting a peony festival and honoring the first Sunday of June as Peony Sunday (which would be June 7, 2020).
It is advisable to plant peonies in areas that have good air circulation and to provide cage or fence support for peonies with heavy blossoms to prevent drooping while in bloom and/or wind damage. Fertilize mature well-established peonies after they are finished blooming and remove deadheads once the blossoms are spent. This will decrease the likelihood of fungal and bacterial pathogens accumulating on the dead tissue and passing to healthy tissue.
To learn more about how to grow peonies in your garden, new varieties, and more consult the American Peony Society at https://americanpeonysociety.org/.
Most peonies will finish blooming by mid-June, so cherish their beauty while it lasts!