As a reminder, each year outstanding youth have the opportunity to compete in Workforce Prep Day at the Ohio State Fair and now is the time to start planning! The date for the event this year has changed and is now on July 31 (pre-registration July 15). More details can be found in the Workforce Prep Day Instructions. Don’t forget, a $250 cash award goes to the top senior and top junior in this event, so participation in this Workforce Prep event does pay! If any youth is interested in preparing for this opportunity, please contact Leslie Cooksey for more information by email at or by phone: 740-652-7260.
Junior Leader Meeting 2/17/2016
The next Fairfield County 4-H Junior Leader meeting will be held Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Ag Center. Two members who are a part of a statewide initiative will be presenting Adding A Youth Flavor to Local Foods program. We will also be electing new officers at this meeting. Any Fairfield County 4-H member ages 13 and older may join this countywide club that focuses on leadership and community service. For more information, contact Leslie at