Be Prepared for Fair Season With Your Sheep and Goat Projects! What to Know About Scrapie ID.

Jennifer Reynolds, USDA Animal Health Technician


When you have picked out your fair goat or sheep project, make sure the breeder has officially identified the sheep or goat before it leaves the farm. The most common form of official ID is a scrapie tag that will have a U.S. shield on the tag and will start with a state abbreviation according to the premises where the animal was born (flock/herd of origin). Other forms of official identification can be found in our USDA Official ID Types Handout . Always make sure the exhibition you are showing the sheep or goat at accepts the form of official ID you are using. If you are using official tattoos or 840-approved microchips for official identification, remember that tattoos must be legible, you must have your corresponding paperwork in the form of a registration paper or owner statement, and microchips should be in the correct location. You should arrange for a microchip reader to be available at ID check time at the fair. The important thing to remember about official ID is that it cannot be duplicated and it’s unlawful to remove. There is no reason why a sheep or goat should have two scrapie tags – it only needs one which identifies it to the flock of birth. 


Scrapie is an incurable, fatal, degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system of sheep and goats. It is classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, the same class of disease as BSE, otherwise known as Mad Cow Disease. Sheep and goats are exposed to scrapie at birth if they are born into an infected flock and may not show signs or symptoms of the disease until 2-5 years of age. This is why flock of birth/flock of origin identification is so important. You can learn more about scrapie and disease resistant genotypes for sheep on the USDA Scrapie website page. If you are a sheep or goat producer and have not yet signed up for scrapie ID and live in Ohio, please call our Ohio USDA APHIS VS office at 614-856-4745 to get a scrapie flock identification number assigned. 

Published in the Ohio Animal Health Newsletter – July 2024

Livestock Exhibitors: Quality Assurance MUST be completed by June 30th to show at fair, no exceptions!

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding, Dairy Steers, & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2024:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2024.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 30, 2024.

Email reminders have been sent to advisors over the last month for those who have yet to complete this requirement. Also, families are receiving final email reminders today (June 28th).

All Quality Assurance information has been shared with club/chapter advisors and has been posted on the blog since April 25th. Read all Quality Assurance options for 2024 here.

Youth Opportunity: Ohio State Fair Livestock Judging Contest – REGISTER BY JULY 8TH

All 4-H members are encouraged to participate in the 2024 Ohio State Fair Livestock Judging Contest on July 25th at the Ohio Expo Center.

  • Check-In: 8:30 am – 9:30 am – Voinovich Livestock Center Show Arena
  • Contest Instructions: 10:00 am – Voinovich Livestock Center Show Arena
  • Judging Begins: 10:30 am – Denny Hales Arena
  • Awards Presentation – Following Contest Critiques in Voinovich

Pre-Registration is required by July 8th and must have a county 4-H Educator’s approval – please contact Leslie Cooksey if you wish to participate. The cost is $15 per member and if Fairfield County 4-H youth wish to participate in this contest, members will be reimbursed by the 4-H Advisory Committee. Click here for additional rules and contest information.

Details of Swine, Lamb, Goat and Dairy Feeder Check-in are Released

Market animals will be checked-in June 29!

Today, Junior Fair Director Doug Shell released details for the rapidly approaching Jr. Fair market swine, lamb, goat and dairy feeder check-in.

Swine MQP: Shell is contacting each swine MQP exhibitor directly and will work with them in the coming days to get MQP pigs weighed and check-in.

Pigs checking in for the live show in October: Pigs will be check-in at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 29 between 7 a.m. and Noon. Prior to the 29th exhibitors must tag their pigs with an EID 840 tag unless the pigs already has one. Details for securing tags and tagging may be found linked at

Swine exhibitors should enter the Fairgrounds gate on Fair Avenue with their tagged pigs between 7 a.m. and Noon on June 29 and upon arrival will be directed to follow the traffic line on the left, and proceed into the Ed Sands building. If pigs are being housed at a place other than the exhibitor’s residence, completed housing forms should be submitted on the 29th at check-in. Housing forms may be downloaded here.

Market lambs: Lambs will be Continue reading Details of Swine, Lamb, Goat and Dairy Feeder Check-in are Released

Reminder: No Leasing of Market Animals

As a reminder to all Junior Fair exhibitors, there is no leasing of market or breeding animals for the Fairfield County Junior Fair. The animals must be owned by the exhibitor.

The only exceptions include. Please review the Junior Fair Book for additional details and dates:

  • Dairy Goat (breeding)
  • Dairy Cattle (breeding)
  • Horses
  • Alpacas/Llamas

Attention Livestock Exhibitors: Quality Assurance Requirements

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding, Dairy Steers, & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2024:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2024.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 30, 2024.

At this time, Quality Assurance CANNOT be taught by club/chapter advisors to Fairfield County 4-H/FFA youth virtually (i.e. Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Classrooms, Facebook Live, etc.).

Here are the acceptable options to complete Quality Assurance in 2024:

  • In-Person 4-H Club/FFA Chapter Clinic taught by a 4-H/FFA Advisor who has completed the Quality Assurance Assistant Instructor Training this year. Advisors who attended this training will notify their members of their club/chapter QA Clinic date and will be responsible for getting all QA paperwork submitted to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadlines.
  • In-Person Countywide Make-Up Clinics: To be held on Thursday, May 2nd from 6:30-8:30 p.m. or Saturday, May 18th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Fairfield County Ag Center/Extension Office (831 College Ave. Lancaster). An RSVP is required. Please click here to register for a countywide QA makeup clinic.
  • In-Person Beef Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person BQA taught by a certified BQA instructor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at
  • In-Person Pork Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person PQA taught by a certified PQA advisor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.eduYouth MUST be age 14 or older (current age) to complete in-person PQA. Youth will receive a PQA certification number from the National Pork Board upon completion.
  • Online: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). This is the ONLY approved ONLINE Quality Assurance Program for youth in Ohio. For 2024, this web-based course has been approved by ODA for 8-18 year olds.
    • Go to for the training and quiz.
    • Instructions for using the new website can be found at: 2022 YQCA Website Instructions
    • Exhibitors must complete by June 30, 2024 or they will not be able to show at the Fairfield County Fair.
    • You will need to select the web-based training ($12.00 per member, annually). The age of the course should be age as of January 1st of the current year.
    • When you are finished, please send a pdf/picture of your certificate which includes exhibitor name(s) and certificate number(s) to Leslie Cooksey at

Quality Assurance should be completed for Ohio State Fair exhibitors by June 1st

Fairfield County 4-H and FFA youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2024 to meet the 45 days prior to the Ohio State Fair exhibition (as required by the Ohio Department of Agriculture). Youth who do not meet this requirement, will have any entries denied.

If youth still need to complete Quality Assurance to meet this requirement and your club/chapter is not planning to host their own QA Clinic by June 1st, we recommend you complete QA through the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals online modules or attend the countywide makeup QA Trainings on May 2nd or May 18th.

  • In-Person Countywide Make-Up Clinics: To be held on Thursday, May 2nd from 6:30-8:30 p.m. or Saturday, May 18th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Fairfield County Ag Center/Extension Office (831 College Ave. Lancaster). An RSVP is required. Please click here to register for a countywide QA makeup clinic.
  • Online: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). This is the ONLY approved ONLINE Quality Assurance Program for youth in Ohio. For 2024, this web-based course has been approved by ODA for 8-18 year olds.
    • Go to for the training and quiz.
    • Instructions for using the new website can be found at: 2022 YQCA Website Instructions
    • Exhibitors must complete by June 30, 2024 or they will not be able to show at the Fairfield County Fair.
    • You will need to select the web-based training ($12.00 per member, annually). The age of the course should be age as of January 1st of the current year.
    • When you are finished, please send name(s) and certificate number(s) to Leslie Cooksey at

Goat MQP (carcass) Contest – NEW DEADLINE is April 15th

Entries for the 2024 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Goat MQP programs are now being accepted. All MQP entries will be accepted on-line and are due on or before April 15.

Please note that some of the important MQP dates have changed as follows:

  • Goats for the MQP contest must be owned by May 18, 2024 and will be weighed-in on that date at the Fairgrounds. After 99 days on feed the Goat MQP contest will conclude at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
  • Members must be enrolled in the Market Goat Project in 4-HOnline by April 15th to be eligible for the Goat MQP Program.

Applications for any of these contests must be received on-line by April 15, 2024. Find more details about MQP and links to each of the application portals here:

Homegrown Market Wether Intent Forms: Due May 1st

It’s time to submit those Homegrown Market Wether Intent Forms (due May 1st). Find it here:

2024 Home Grown Market Wether Intent FormBy completing this form, I plan to raise my own market wether and exhibit it in the Home Grown Market Wether Goat Class at the Fairfield County Fair. I certify that my market wether will be conceived by my doe, born after January 1st and raised at my family residence or an adjoining family residence (i.e. grandparents, aunt/uncle) in Fairfield County.

This form must be submitted by May 1st of the current year, showing the exhibitor’s intent of competing in the Home Grown Market Wether Goat class. It is not a binding contract, as extenuating circumstances (i.e. goat may die, may sell, etc.) may occur. The goat selected to be shown in the Home Grown Market Wether class will be included in the general market classes.

I understand that the wether must be born after January 1st of the current year for the Home Grown Market Wether Goat class. All entries must agree to a Market Goat Committee member entering their barn/housing unit for visual inspection of animals. Failure to do so will lead to immediate disqualification. NOTE: The Goat Committee Members do not have to provide you advance notice of their visit.

Plans for tagging Market Lambs, Goats, Hogs and Dairy Beef Feeders in 2024 Announced

Youth must tag their animals before arrival on June 29.

The time for tagging and weigh-in of Fairfield County’s dairy beef feeders, market lambs, market goats and market hogs is upon us. Based on the success of the tagging and weigh-in process that has been utilized in recent years, this year will be conducted in a similar fashion at the fairgrounds with only a few modifications.

This year’s check-in/weigh-in for dairy beef feeders, market lambs, market goats and market hogs will happen at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 29. The exception is that MQP goats will be weighed-in on May 18.

New this year, in advance of the check-in/weighing process youth will be required to tag their own market animals with an EID 840 tag (unless the animal already has an 840 EID tag). Visual numbered tags will not be provided or required this year but are optional and encouraged for all species.

EID tags and taggers for any market animals that do not already have an EID tag may be secured from the OSU Extension office during the normal office hours of 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. In order that the proper tags and taggers are ready for pick-up when requested, exhibitors are asked to log-in to and make tag requests beginning now through June 24, 2024. Youth participating in Goat MQP should request their tags by May 15.

For more details regarding the tagging process, see this check list for tagging.

Details regarding check-in and weighing on June 29 will be announced soon.