Ohio 4-H Sea Camp has a few spots still open! Please note this is open to teen that meets the following criteria. Please note that those youth who received the county 4-H trip award for Sea Camp are already taken care for this year (youth know who they are!).
Ohio 4-H Sea Camp pre-registration is still open through May 1st. We currently have some spots still available to take more campers!
A few reminders about Sea Camp 2024:
- 2024 Camp Dates: July 19-23 at Kelleys Island 4-H Camp.
- Sea Camp is open to any teen ages 14-17 as of July 19th, 2024; enrollment in 4-H is not a requirement for registering.
- Cost is $400 to members of 4-H. Cost is $450 to teens not enrolled. Thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation for grant support for enrolled members!
Website: Go.osu.edu/SeaCamp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ohio4HSeaCamp/
Through partnerships of Ohio State University Extension and organizations that offer aquatic education and water recreation, Ohio 4-H Sea Camp at Kelleys Island has offered hundreds of young people the opportunity to learn about aquatic science and experience a variety of recreational watersports on Lake Erie. Sea Camp is offered to youth ages 14-17 (age as of the first day of camp).
The mission of Ohio 4-H Sea Camp is to offer teenage youth an introduction to the Great Lakes through hands-on experiences in a variety of aquatic-based programs. Sea Camp will enable participants to experience Lake Erie-based activities and culture such as aquatic science, water recreation, and fishing. The program is a supervised, educational environment fostered by Ohio 4-H and The Ohio State University.
- Participants will gain an understanding of safety applied to watercraft, sun, and open water recreation.
- Participants will explore a variety of potential career opportunities through learning from professionals in aquatic science, natural resources, and watersports.
- Participants will gain lifelong skills fostered through educational and recreational water-based activities, while developing lasting friendships and comradery with peers.