Cloverbud Opportunity: Engineering Adventure

The Cloverbud Engineering Adventure gives Cloverbuds the opportunity to work cooperatively in teams to problem-solve using STEM (science, engineering, technology and math) skills. A new theme is selected each year and teams research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the adventure challenge and create a poster to illustrate their findings. Teams present their models and findings to a team of reviewers, learn about other Cloverbud projects, participate in age-appropriate STEM activities, and are recognized during a closing celebration.

This year’s theme is Going WILD! Whether imagining the jungles of Southeast Asia, learning about the natural wonders of United States National Parks or exploring nature in their own backyard, this year’s Cloverbud Engineering Adventure will get Cloverbuds thinking about the world we live in. Cloverbuds will explore the idea of habitats and what habitats provide for the animals and plants that live there. They will have opportunities for discovery, creativity and problem solving as they explore habitats that are around them or learn about ones that are in other parts of the world. For more information on the Cloverbud Engineering Adventure and to register, please visit

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