Weigh-in for all calves intended for the market beef show in 2024 is March 9th, by appointment!
It’s time once again to prepare for Jr. Market Beef tagging and weigh-in. This year it is being conducted in a fashion like recent years but in addition will include exhibitors planning to participate in the recently created ‘finished’ Dairy Beef Steer project in Fairfield County.
Market beef weigh-in for traditional beef animals as well as dairy beef steers is set for Saturday, March 9, 2024, at Fairfield Cattle Company located at 3443 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road (S.R. 22), Lancaster, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. In advance of March 9th exhibitors will be required to tag their own market beef animals with an 840 EID tag (unless the calf already has an EID tag). Visual numbered tags are encouraged but will not be provided or required this year. As in the recent past, participants will submit a hair follicle DNA sample at the weigh-in for each calf.
Again this year families with market beef and dairy beef steer projects are also required to reserve a weigh-in time for the 9th, and only those directly involved in transporting and weighing-in calves should plan to attend . . . please, no spectators! The goal remains to reduce congregation at weigh-in and minimize the transfer of paperwork. Specifically, the step-by-step process and requirements include . . .
- Youth/families planning to weigh/tag-in market beef steers, market beef heifers, and dairy beef steers to be finished for the 2024 Fair must submit a request for EID tags on-line by completing the survey linked here by March 6, 2024. Complete only one request survey per family.
- Each calf must have an 840 EID tag. If a calf already has an 840 EID tag, DO NOT REMOVE IT. A new tag is not required or allowed.
- If your calf does not already have an 840 EID tag, receive one from OSU Extension before weigh-in on March 9 and place it in the calf’s ear. Taggers may be borrowed at that time also. If not familiar with tagging cattle, see this 3 minute video on that shows the proper tagging procedure in detail.
- Either ear is acceptable for tag placement, however the left ear is preferred.
- Place the tag near the center of the ear between the two cartilage ribs with the back (flat) portion of the tag on the outside of the ear.
- Return borrowed taggers along with any unused tag to the OSU Extension office as soon as possible. DO NOT pass taggers or tags on to another exhibitor without permission of OSU Extension.
- Exhibitors needing assistance in tagging should contact their 4-H/FFA advisor or the Jr Beef Superintendents.
- Youth/families are expected to apply the required tag in the calf’s ear prior to weigh/tag-in on March 9, 2024 and submit their individual and/or family exhibitor information, calf tagging, and housing information on a second survey linked here by March 8, at 9 a.m. Market beef exhibitors (not Dairy Market Beef) will also submit their County Bred, Born & Raised information in the second survey. Numbered, visual farm tags are encouraged and the number on that tag may be submitted along with the other required information.
- NOTE that Market beef exhibitors participating in the Born, Bred, and Raised (B, B & R) in the Fairfield County show may upload their breeder signed B, B & R form when submitting their individual calf information on-line in the second survey found linked above, or must turn in their signed B, B & R in an envelope on weigh in day. A copy of the B, B & R form is linked here. Be certain all information is complete and the breeder is a member of the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association (FCCA). FCCA membership details may be found linked here.
- In the second survey linked above, each family will also select the time they will arrive with their calf(s) to be weighed and checked in on March 9. All tagged calves must be weighed in on March 9, 2024, at the Fairfield Cattle Company facility located at 3443 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road (S.R. 22), Lancaster.
- On the 9th at weigh-in youth/families of both traditional market beef and market dairy beef animals are also expected to submit a hair follicle DNA sample from each calf they tag-in. Approximately 30 hairs that include the roots – do NOT cut the hair – for each calf must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the exhibitor’s family name and calf number on it. Include inside the envelope an index card listing the EID tag number of the calf, the exhibitor and/or family member’s name(s), address, and club/chapter. If you’ve not collected hair DNA samples before, see this one minute YouTube for detail on how to collect the hair sample: https://youtu.be/Upl-09ZOLF0
- Any unused 840 EID tags must be returned to the OSU Extension Office or at weigh-in.
For more information on this tagging and weighing process for your 2024 Fairfield County Fair market beef animals, contact Junior Fair Director Doug Shell at lshell171@gmail.com , the Junior Beef Superintendents or the Junior Dairy Superintendents.